PICIN: A Particle-in-Cell Solver for Incompressible Free Surface Flows with Two-Way Fluid-Solid Coupling

Autor: Qiang Chen, David M. Kelly, Jun Zang
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: Kelly, D M, Chen, Q & Zang, J 2015, ' PICIN : a particle-in-cell solver for incompressible free surface flows with two-way fluid-solid coupling ', SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, vol. 37, no. 3, pp. B403-B424 . https://doi.org/10.1137/140976911
ISSN: 1095-7197
DOI: 10.1137/140976911
Popis: Please note there is a typo in the paper on page B419 for the CPU time used for the second case, the correct CPU time for 12s of simulation time should be 1200s with Δx = Δz = H/60..................................................................................................................................................................This paper details a novel numerical approach for solution of the Navier–Stokesequations for free surface flows involving two-way fluid-solid interaction in arbitrary domains. The approach, which is hybrid Eulerian Lagrangian in nature, is based on the full particle particle-in-cell (PIC) method applied to incompressible flows. An extension of the distributed Lagrange multiplier (DLM) technique proposed by Patankar et al. [Int. J. Multiphase Flow, 26 (2000), pp. 1509–1524] is employed for the two-way fluid-solid coupling. The resulting code is called PICIN. Solid bodies can be mobile, either having prescribed motion or moving as a consequence of interaction with the fluid. Numerical results for three distinct example applications of the model in two spatial dimensions are given. A comparison of PICIN predictions with state-of-the-art numerical results of other researchers is made for each of the test cases presented.
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