A Training Framework for the Synthesis of a Consistent System of Objectives in Modular Design

Autor: Michael Rapp, Clemens Birk, Nikola Bursac, Thilo Richter, Albert Albers
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Procedia CIRP, 70, 398–403
ISSN: 2212-8271
DOI: 10.5445/ir/1000099114
Popis: Modular design (MD) enables a set of methods to reduce development costs. There are extensive scientific findings on MD, but in practice, many companies still find it difficult to harvest the full potential of introducing and sustaining MD. One challenge are the highly interactive objectives of MD and the associated products. These different objectives have to be managed in such a way that a consistent System of Objectives is created. To this end, the various stakeholders can develop a common understanding in their MD processes. Consequently, a framework to support a consistent System of Objectives in MD can support this. In this paper a demand and target group oriented training concept to bridge this gap between theoretical findings and in practice-exploited potential as well as to improve the introduction and sustaining of MD is introduced. An important cross-functional insight is thereby how training concepts for Systems of Objectives in modular development can be designed. With expert interviews different requirements, such as “corporate structure”, “dealing with conflicting objectives”, “temporal robustness of products against changes”, “product configuration”, “change management”, “product architecture” and “process integration of suppliers” were identified. Based on these findings a three-stage framework was developed to identify the relevant fields of knowledge for each training concept individually. The training is based on a multi-media approach with participative learning and gamification elements. The concept is modular and round-based, so that the difficulty level can be increased in each round, in order to maximize training effects. It focuses on intra-corporate stakeholder management and communication between different disciplines, such as management and engineering.
Databáze: OpenAIRE