Reclassification of the species Kocuria erythromyxa (Brooks and Murray 1981) as Kocuria rosea (Flügge 1886)

Autor: Jutta Burghardt, Cathrin Spröer, Peter Schumann, Erko Stackebrandt, Gábor M. Kovács
Rok vydání: 1999
Zdroj: Scopus-Elsevier
ISSN: 1466-5034
Popis: Comparison of phenotypic, chemotaxonomic and genomic properties of the type strains of Kocuria rosea and Kocuria erythromyxa indicates that these taxa are members of the same species. The conclusion is based upon 16S rDNA similarity of 99·9% [Rainey, F. A., et al. (1997). Int J Syst Bacteriol 47, 510--514], DNA-DNA reassociation of 95%, identical fatty acid patterns and almost identical physiological reactions against substrates provided by the BIOLOG plate. According to Rule 42 of the International Code of Nomenclature of Bacteria, which requires that the oldest legitimate epithet be retained when taxa of equal rank are united, Kocuria (Micrococcus) rosea (Flugge 1886) has priority over Kocuria (Deinococcus) erythromyxa (Brooks and Murray 1981).
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