Canards in stiction: on solutions of a friction oscillator by regularization

Autor: Morten Brøns, Elena Bossolini, Kristian Kristiansen
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Bossolini, E, Brøns, M & Kristiansen, K U 2017, ' Canards in stiction: on solutions of a friction oscillator by regularization ', S I A M Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems, vol. 16, no. 4, pp. 2233–2258 .
Popis: We study the solutions of a friction oscillator subject to stiction. This discontinuous model is non-Filippov, and the concept of Filippov solution cannot be used. Furthermore some Carath\'eodory solutions are unphysical. Therefore we introduce the concept of stiction solutions: these are the Carath\'eodory solutions that are physically relevant, i.e. the ones that follow the stiction law. However, we find that some of the stiction solutions are forward non-unique in subregions of the slip onset. We call these solutions singular, in contrast to the regular stiction solutions that are forward unique. In order to further the understanding of the non-unique dynamics, we introduce a regularization of the model. This gives a singularly perturbed problem that captures the main features of the original discontinuous problem. We identify a repelling slow manifold that separates the forward slipping to forward sticking solutions, leading to a high sensitivity to the initial conditions. On this slow manifold we find canard trajectories, that have the physical interpretation of delaying the slip onset. We show with numerics that the regularized problem has a family of periodic orbits interacting with the canards. We observe that this family has a saddle stability and that it connects, in the rigid body limit, the two regular, slip-stick branches of the discontinuous problem, that were otherwise disconnected.
Comment: Submitted to: SIADS. 28 pages, 12 figures
Databáze: OpenAIRE