Prone position in covid-19: Can we tackle rising dead space?

Autor: T. Sharp, Z. Al-Faham, Juan F Martin-Lazaro, J. Cevallos Morales, M. Brown
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: J Intensive Care Soc
ISSN: 1751-1437
Popis: Little is known about the impact of proning on oxygenation and ventilatory efficiency on patients with severe Covid-19. In this retrospective observational study we calculated Pa/FiO2 ratio (P/F) as a marker of oxygenation and dead space fraction (Vd/Vt) to assess ventilation. 12 patients who were proned twice or more were included. There was a significant improvement in P/F ratio when prone (110.18 ± 28.11) compared to supine (88.95 ± 19.34) (p 0.05). Vd/Vt as a function of time displayed a positive linear correlation in those who did not survive (n = 9) (Rs = 0.48, p
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