Aarhus mod Herning

Autor: Hansen, Louise Ejgod
Rok vydání: 2012
Zdroj: Hansen, L E 2012, ' Aarhus mod Herning : En samtale om fans, fodbold og forestillinger ', Peripeti, bind 18, s. 23-34 .
ISSN: 2245-893X
DOI: 10.7146/peri.v9i18.107354
Popis: The article presents an analysis of four ’Theatre talks’ (focus group interviews) conducted in Aarhus andHerning about the performance Hvid Stolthed (Svalegangen, Aarhus). The main focus is on how thereferences in the performance to the local football milieu in Aarhus influence the experience of the differentgroups depended on their relation to and engagement in that milieu.
Databáze: OpenAIRE