Characterization and classification of soils of Bako Tibe District, West Shewa, Ethiopia

Autor: Berhanu Dinssa, Eyasu Elias
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Heliyon, Vol 7, Iss 11, Pp e08279-(2021)
ISSN: 2405-8440
Popis: The study was carried out at Bako Tibe District, West Shewa zone, Oromiya Region of Ethiopia, to characterize and classify agriculturally important acidic soils. Four soil types were considered and six representative pedons were opened and a total of 27 disturbed and 20 core ring soil samples were collected from identified horizons of each pedon and analyzed. The field and laboratory data revealed the soils were clay and sandy clay in texture, slightly acidic to strongly acidic in reaction (pH 5.2–6.63). The organic carbon content of the soil ranges between moderate 21.4 g kg−1 to high 30 g kg−1 for surface soil while very low (4 g kg−1) to high (26 g kg−1) for sub-surface soils. Both the surface and subsurface soils were very low (1.7–2.2 g kg−1) in total N and deficient (5.99–7.85 mg kg−1) in available P content. The cation exchange capacity (CEC) was high for all surface and sub-surface percent base saturation was low (25 cmol (+)kg−1) for Alisols and medium for Nitisols, Luvisols, and Cambisols (51 and 50 cmol(+)kg−1). The soils were sufficient in available Fe, Mn, and Zn but deficient in B and Cu. Pedon-1 was Dystric, Rhodic Nitisols (Humic); pedon-2, Dystric Nitisols (Humic); pedon-3, Umbric Nitisols; pedon-4, Rhodic Alisols (Hyperdystric); pedon-5, Rhodic Luvisols (Hypereutric); pedon-6, Leptic Cambisols (Humic). Soil characterization is helpful to use the land according to its capability and limitations. pedons 2 and 4 were categorized under LCC IIs. pedons 1, 3, and 5 were grouped within LCC IIIes while Pedon 6 was grouped under LCC IVes. All the soil profiles studied can be used for crop production with appropriate management practices. Different agronomic and physical soil and water conservation measures such as cover crops, counter farming, graded bands, and lime application are some of the corrective measures for the limitations.
Pedon; Reference soil groups, Soil characterization, World reference base.
Databáze: OpenAIRE