Christian-Muslim Women in Religious Peacebuilding – Breaking Cycles of Violence

Autor: Nadja Furlan Štante
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Poligrafi. revija za religiologijo, mitologijo in filozofijo, vol. 25, no. 99/100, pp. 45-55, 2020.
ISSN: 2232-2833
DOI: 10.35469/poligrafi.2020.249
Popis: In a broader context, the main focus of this paper is the question of wom-en%s religious peacebuilding, which is understood in its widest sense, in terms of women%s active participation in building liberating theologies and societies. It is about the promotion of the full humanity of women. While elaborating this theme, the paper takes up Susan Brooks Thistlethwaite%s assertion that the %violence against women is the largest and longest global war.% Just peacemak-ing is very much an interfaith and interreligious work and should be placed as a crucial starting point of the urge for transformation of %violent% theologies and living everyday praxis. While women have been marginalised from peacebuild-ing generally, the emerging field of religious peacebuilding has been particularly challenging for women. The liberating theme of this paper is illumination of the ambivalence of invisibility and marginality of women in religious peacebuilding, good practices and future issues. V širšem kontekstu je glavni poudarek prispevka vprašanje ženske (religijske) izgradnje miru, ki je razumljeno v najširšem pomenu, v smislu aktivnega sodelo-vanja žensk pri izgradnji osvobajajočih teologij in družb. Gre za promocijo polne človečnosti žensk. Prispevek temelji na predpostavki Susan Brooks Thistlethwaite, da je %nasilje nad ženskami največja in najdaljša svetovna vojna%. Pri izgradnji miru pomembno mesto zavzema medreligijski dialog. Le-ta bi moral postati ključno iz-hodišče za preobrazbo nasilnih teologij in vsakdanji praks. Medtem, ko so (bile) ženske pri izgradnji miru marginalizirane, je nastajajoče področje religijske izgra-dnje miru še posebej zahtevno in hkrati velik izziv in vir moči za ženske. Osvoba-jajoče vprašanje tega prispevka je osvetlitev ambivalentnosti nevidnosti in margi-nalnosti žensk pri religijski izgradnji miru, dobre prakse in (prihodnja) vprašanja.
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