Developing a core outcome set for fistulising perianal Crohn’s disease

Autor: Sahnan, K, Tozer, PJ, Adegbola, SO, Lee, MJ, Heywood, N, McNair, AGK, Hind, D, Yassin, N, Lobo, AJ, Brown, SR, Sebastian, S, Phillips, RKS, Lung, PFC, Faiz, OD, Crook, K, Blackwell, S, Verjee, A, Hart, AL, Fearnhead, NS, John, A, Austin, A, Simon, A, Aidan, A, James, A, Katherine, A, Sathish, B, Ian, B, Gauraang, B, Stuart, B, Dominic, B, Matthew, B, David, B, Jeffrey, B, Christopher, C, Rachel, C, Peter, C, Thomas, C, Tamzin, C, Robert, D, Walter, D, Irene, D, Jayne, E, Jonathan, E, Martyn, E, Simon, F, Beverley, F, Catherine, F, James, G, Catherine, G, Ben, G, Arun, G, Sanjay, G, Richard, G, Alex, H, Diane, H, Nigel, H, Steve, H, Laura, H, Marcus, H, Rachel, H, Barney, H, Bu, H, Emma, H, Paul, H, Tim, H, Stephen, H, Rajapandian, I, Matthew, J, Cheryl, K, Kennedy, NA, Fevronia, K, Charles, K, Bee, L, Wendy, L, Jimmy, L, Richard, L, Peter, M, Janis, M, Steven, M, John, M, Michele, M, Charles, M-A, Alistair, M, Jasbir, N, Arvind, P, Gareth, P, Rajan, P, Uday, P, Leon, P, Kathryn, P, Thomas, P, Katie, P, Richard, P, Niall, P, Mark, P, Abdul, R, Kerry, R, Dan, R, Russell, RK, Mathew, R, Suzanne, R, Judith, S, John, S, Christian, S, Irshad, S, Ian, S, Baljit, S, Ederis, S, Christopher, S, Neil, S, Adam, S, Ben, S, Taylor, SA, Julian, T, Tham, TC, Pradeep, T, John, T, Jared, T, Simon, T, Mark, T, Tracey, T, Christos, T, Carolynne, V, Oliver, W, Janindra, W, Emma, W, Debbie, W, Graham, W, Mark, W, Graeme, W, Eleanor, W, Hannah, Y, Lisa, Y
Přispěvatelé: Royal College of Surgeons of England
Rok vydání: 2018
0301 basic medicine
Research design
Delphi Technique
Consensus Development Conferences as Topic
Delphi method
ENiGMA collaborators
0302 clinical medicine
Crohn Disease
Quality of life
Risk Factors
Outcome Assessment
Health Care

Response rate (survey)
crohn’s disease
Systematic review
Centre for Surgical Research
Research Design
Disease Progression
030211 gastroenterology & hepatology
Life Sciences & Biomedicine
Likert scale
Interviews as Topic
Outcome Assessment (Health Care)
03 medical and health sciences
Crohn Disease/pathology
Rectal Fistula
Patient Reported Outcome Measures
clinical trials
Science & Technology
Gastroenterology & Hepatology
Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Perianal Abscess
1103 Clinical Sciences
Clinical trial
030104 developmental biology
Family medicine
Quality of Life
1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine
Rectal Fistula/pathology
anal sepsis
Fecal Incontinence
Fecal Incontinence/etiology
Systematic Reviews as Topic
Zdroj: 2019, ' Developing a core outcome set for fistulising perianal Crohn's disease ', Gut, vol. 68, no. 2, pp. 226-238 .
ISSN: 1468-3288
Popis: ObjectiveLack of standardised outcomes hampers effective analysis and comparison of data when comparing treatments in fistulising perianal Crohn’s disease (pCD). Development of a standardised set of outcomes would resolve these issues. This study provides the definitive core outcome set (COS) for fistulising pCD.DesignCandidate outcomes were generated through a systematic review and patient interviews. Consensus was established via a three-round Delphi process using a 9-point Likert scale based on how important they felt it was in determining treatment success culminating in a final consensus meeting. Stakeholders were recruited nationally and grouped into three panels (surgeons and radiologists, gastroenterologists and IBD specialist nurses, and patients). Participants received feedback from their panel (in the second round) and all participants (in the third round) to allow refinement of their scores.ResultsA total of 295 outcomes were identified from systematic reviews and interviews that were categorised into 92 domains. 187 stakeholders (response rate 78.5%) prioritised 49 outcomes through a three-round Delphi study. The final consensus meeting of 41 experts and patients generated agreement on an eight domain COS. The COS comprised three patient-reported outcome domains (quality of life, incontinence and a combined score of patient priorities) and five clinician-reported outcome domains (perianal disease activity, development of new perianal abscess/sepsis, new/recurrent fistula, unplanned surgery and faecal diversion).ConclusionA fistulising pCD COS has been produced by all key stakeholders. Application of the COS will reduce heterogeneity in outcome reporting, thereby facilitating more meaningful comparisons between treatments, data synthesis and ultimately benefit patient care.
Databáze: OpenAIRE