Globalization of financial reporting standards

Autor: Vladimir Obradovic
Přispěvatelé: Stefanović, Radoslav, Malinić, Slobodan, Ivanišević, Milorad
Jazyk: srbština
Rok vydání: 2012
Zdroj: Универзитет у Крагујевцу
Popis: Potreba za standardima finansijskog izveštavanja, kao principima i pravilima kojih kompanije moraju da se pridržavaju prilikom sastavljanja finansijskih izveštaja opšte namene, danas nije sporna. Ona proizilazi iz izuzetnog značaja finansijskog izveštavanja za efikasno i efektivno funkcionisanje tržišta kapitala, koje predstavlja jedan od ključnih preduslova finansijske stabilnosti i rasta ekonomije u celini, i objektivne nemogućnosti mehanizma slobodnog tržišta da obezbedi dovoljno relevantnih, pouzdanih i uporedivih informacija za investitore i kreditore. U dugom periodu, razvoj standarda finansijskog izveštavanja bio je gotovo isključivo nacionalno orijentisan. Posledica toga jesu suštinske razlike u standardima i praksama finansijskog izveštavanja između zemalja, koje donose ozbiljne probleme mnogim učesnicima u međunarodnom biznisu, posebno multinacionalnim kompanijama i međunarodnim investitorima. Globalizacija poslovnih aktivnosti, a naročito tržišta kapitala, uslovila je potrebu za globalizacijom standarda finansijskog izveštavanja, kao procesom smanjivanja razlika između nacionalnih setova standarda. Očekivani krajnji ishod tog procesa jeste jedinstveni set kvalitetnih, na principima zasnovanih i sveobuhvatnih globalnih standarda, koji bi se na isti način interpretirali i striktno primenjivali širom sveta. Međunarodni standardi finansijskog izveštavanja, koje donosi i konstantno usavršava Međunarodni odbor za računovodstvene standarde, imaju veliki potencijal da steknu status jedinstvenog seta globalnih standarda. Oni čine osnovu aktuelnog procesa globalne konvergencije standarda finansijskog izveštavanja. Visok kvalitet, sveobuhvatnost, zasnovanost na principima izvedenim iz konceptualnog okvira, kao i uključenost brojnih interesnih grupa iz čitavog sveta u proces njihovog kreiranja, čine ih korisnim i prihvatljivim za zemlje sa različitim nivoom ekonomskog razvoja i različitom kulturom. Today, the need for financial reporting standards, as the principles and rules that companies have to comply in preparing their general-purpose financial statements, is indisputable. That need is a result of a great importance of financial reporting for efficient and effective functioning of capital markets, which is, in turn, one of the most important prerequisites for financial stability and growth of an economy as a whole, and inability of market forces to provide enough relevant, reliable and comparable financial information for investors and creditors. For a long time, development of financial reporting standards was almost exclusively nationally oriented. The consequence of such orientation of standard-setting process is substantial differences in financial reporting standards and practices between countries, which cause serious problems for many participants in international business, especially for multinational companies and international investors. The globalization of business operations, specifically the globalization of capital markets, led to increasing need for the globalization of financial reporting standards, as a process of reducing differences between national sets of standards. The expected ultimate outcome of that process is a single set of high quality, principles-based and comprehensive global accounting standards that would be interpreted in the same way and strictly used worldwide. International Financial Reporting Standards created and continually enhanced by International Accounting Standards Board have great potential to become a single set of global standards. They form the basis of the current process of global convergence of financial reporting standards. Their high quality, comprehensiveness, foundation on principles derived from the conceptual framework as well as the fact that many interest groups from the whole world are included in the process of their creating make them useful and acceptable for countries with different cultures and different level of economic development.
Databáze: OpenAIRE