Symmetry breaking in crossed magnetic and electric fields

Autor: E. Flöthmann, S. Freund, R. Ubert, Cornelius Neumann, K. H. Welge, M. R. Haggerty, B. Sheehy, John B. Delos
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 1997
Popis: We present the first observations of cylindrical symmetry breaking in highly excited diamagnetic hydrogen with a small crossed electric field, and we give a semiclassical interpretation of this effect. As the small perpendicular electric field is added, the recurrence strengths of closed orbits decrease smoothly to a minimum, and revive again. This phenomenon, caused by interference among the electron waves that return to the nucleus, can be computed from the azimuthal dependence of the classical closed orbits.
4 page REVTeX file including 5 postscript files (using psfig) Accepted for publication in Physical Review Letters. Difference from earlier preprint: we have discovered the cause of the earlier apparent discrepancy between experiment and theory and now achieve excellent agreement
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