Rheumatobates clanis Drake and Harris 1932

Autor: Castro-Vargas, Maria I., Morales-Castaño, Irina T.
Rok vydání: 2011
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6192511
Popis: Rheumatobates clanis Drake and Harris, 1932 Examined material. COLOMBIA: BOLIVAR: ISLA FUERTE: 33 apt., 1 �� macr., La Playita (9 �� 22 ' 9 ''N 76 �� 11 '36,6''W), 20.XII. 2007, M. Neira leg. (UPTC). Color. Head brown, with a yellow U-shaped spot. Antennal segment I yellow; antennal segments II, III and IV brown. Pronotum brown, with trapezoidal yellow spot; propleura with yellow spots. Thorax in ventral view pale brown. Mesonotum brown, with longitudinal yellow line and yellow spots on posterior margin. Mesopleura with yellow spots. Metanotum brown. Fore femur yellow with brown spots on distal region; tibia and tarsus brown. Mid legs brown, with basal region of femur yellow; hind legs brown, with basal half of femur yellow and distal half brown. Abdominal segments dark brown; sternites dark brown, with medial region pale brown. 3 Apterous (Fig. 8 a). Head: total length, 0.37, maximum width, 0.35, interocular distance, 0.32. Length of antennal segments (I���IV): 0.25, 0.12, 0.22, 0.27. Antennal segments unmodified. Rostrum: total length, 0.45. Thorax: pronotum, total length, 0.1. Legs: hind legs unmodified; length of leg segments (femur, tibia, tarsus I, tarsus II,): foreleg: 0.45, 0.27, 0.03, 0.15; femur dilated at basal 2 / 3, with row of ten spines along lateroventral margin, which is doubled at basal half; midleg: 1.47, 1.32, 0.7, 0.25; hindleg: 0.82, 0.57, 0.12, 0.17. Abdomen: total length, 1.2; tergite VII as long as the sum of two preceding tergites; tergite VIII elongated, with villi on surface and posterior margin bilobate; pygophore simple, with margin rounded, downward turned in lateral view. �� Macropterous (Fig. 8 b). Head: total length, 0.42, maximum width, 0.4, interocular distance, 0.37. Length of antennal segments (I���IV): 0.25, 0.1, 0.3, 0.27; segment III with four long setae. Rostrum: total length, 0.62. Thorax: pronotum, total length, 0.8, pronotum extending to base of abdomen, with posterior margin rounded; anterior margin of metasternum concave. Legs and wings: length of leg segments (femur, tibia, tarsus I, tarsus II,): foreleg: 0.57, 0.3, 0.05, 0.2; femur with row of ten setae on inner margin and four short erect setae on dorsolateral margin; midleg: 1.6, 1.5, 0.82, 0.3; hindleg: 0.82, 0.77, 0.18, 0.25; wings mutilated. Abdomen: total length, 1.5; connexiva short and subquadrate at apex, with short setae; tergite VIII subrectagular, longer than wide, as long as the sum of two preceding tergites; gonocoxae as long as preceding sternite, slightly directed upward. Diagnosis. Males of this species are defferentiated from R. minutus minutus because the fore femur is expanded at basal 2 / 3, with a row of ten spines along lateroventral margin, which is doubled at basal half. Females have the anterior margin of metasternum concave; the connexiva is short and subquadrate at apex, with short setae; the tergite VIII is subrectangular, longer than wide; the gonocoxae are slightly directed upward. Distribution in Colombia. The distributional range is extended to Colombia: (Bolivar: Isla Fuerte).
Published as part of Castro-Vargas, Maria I. & Morales-Casta��o, Irina T., 2011, The Rheumatobates Bergroth, 1892 (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Gerridae) of Colombia, including the description of R. plumipes n. sp. and a key to represented species, pp. 1-18 in Zootaxa 3040 on pages 12-13, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.202584
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