Word Sense Induction Using Word Sketches

Autor: Pavel Rychlý, Vojtěch Kovář, Miloš Jakubíček, Ondřej Herman
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Statistical Language and Speech Processing ISBN: 9783030313715
Popis: We present three methods for word sense induction based on Word Sketches. The methods are being developed a part of an semiautomatic dictionary creation system, providing annotators with the summarized semantic behavior of a word. Two of the methods are based on the assumption of a word having a single sense per collocation. We cluster the Word Sketch based collocations by their co-occurrence behavior in the first method. The second method clusters the collocations using word embedding model. The last method is based on clustering of Word Sketch thesauri. We evaluate the methods and demonstrate their behavior on representative words.
Databáze: OpenAIRE