On the connectedness of the branch loci of moduli spaces of orientable Klein surfaces

Autor: Antonio F. Costa, Milagros Izquierdo, Ana M. Porto
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: Geometriae Dedicata. 177:149-164
ISSN: 1572-9168
Popis: Let $$\mathcal {M}_{(g,+,k)}^{K}$$ be the moduli space of orientable Klein surfaces of genus $$g$$ with $$k$$ boundary components (see Alling and Greenleaf in Lecture notes in mathematics, vol 219. Springer, Berlin, 1971; Natanzon in Russ Math Surv 45(6):53–108, 1990). The space $$\mathcal {M}_{(g,+,k)} ^{K}$$ has a natural orbifold structure with singular locus $$\mathcal {B} _{(g,+,k)}^{K}$$ . If $$g>2$$ or $$k>0$$ and $$2g+k>3$$ the set $$\mathcal {B} _{(g,+,k)}^{K}$$ consists of the Klein surfaces admitting non-trivial symmetries and we prove that, in this case, the singular locus is connected.
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