Evolution of the Hemicyanine Chromoionophore Monolayer Structure upon Interaction with Complementary Mercury Cations at the Air/Water Interface

Autor: Maxim A. Shcherbina, Artem V. Bakirov, Alexander V. Shokurov, Alvina V. Alexandrova, Sofiya L. Selektor, Vladimir V. Arslanov, Sergei N. Chvalun
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: 'Macroheterocycles ', vol: 13, pages: 277-280 (2020)
ISSN: 1998-9539
Popis: In the present work, we investigate, by means of in situ UV-Vis reflection-absorption spectroscopy and X-ray reflectivity measurements, the effect of the mercury ion analyte on the supramolecular structure of the dithia-azacrown-hemicyanine chromoionophore Langmuir monolayers upon their interaction at the air/water interface. It was revealed that while Hg2+ ions are not able to form complexes with ionophore crown ether groups and do not perturb the organization of the monolayer at low analyte concentrations, high enough concentrations lead to the change of its structure. Supramolecular architecture of the monolayer attains a type identical to the one observed in the case of analyte-binding by the barium-preorganized monolayer. Presented study brings further insight into this preorganization phenomenon.
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