Tools and guidance to help National Road Administrations address climate change

Autor: Sarah Reeves, Ewa Zofka, Andreas Leupold, Matthias Schlögl, Marek Skakuj, Arne Spekat, Adam Zofka
Rok vydání: 2018
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1456857
Popis: National Road Administrations (NRAs) are confronted by a number of challenges in their efforts to maintain the resilience of their road network in the face of increasing climate change impacts and reduce the carbon emissions associated with the maintenance and operation of their network. This paper describes the development of tools and guidance designed to help NRAs address two of these challenges; making the business case for climate change adaptation and embedding consideration of climate change in their operations and procurement processes. The work is being carried out as part of the DeTECToR (Decision-support Tools for Embedding Climate Change Thinking on Roads) project, commissioned through the Conference of European Directors of Roads (CEDR) Transnational Research Programme. The paper presents the work undertaken in the first half of the project, focusing on the approach to developing the tools and describing the next steps which includes working with selected NRAs to trial the tools and guidance in a series of pilot studies.
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