Den gröna vändningen : En ny kunskapshistoria om miljöfrågornas genombrott under efterkrigstiden

Autor: David Larsson Heidenblad
Jazyk: švédština
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Kriterium; 28 (2021)
ISSN: 2002-2131
Popis: ISSN: 2002-2131 Kriterium (Online) Stockholmskonferensen 1972 riktade varldens uppmarksamhet mot var hotade livsmiljo. For den svenska allmanheten var problematiken dock redan valkand. Hade man for vana att lasa tidningar, lyssna pa radio eller titta pa kvallsnyheterna hade man stott pa den globala miljokrisen. Fem ar tidigare, 1967, hade laget varit annorlunda. Da betraktades det inte alls som en sjalvklarhet att manniskan stod i fard med att forstora sin egen planet. Pa kort tid skedde en radikal forandring. En gron vandning. Den kom att fa stora efterverkningar. Men hur gick det egentligen till? Vad var det som gjorde att manniskor fick upp ogonen for miljokrisen? Nar hande det? Vem eller vilka satte bollen i rullning? Och vilken betydelse har denna historia for oss i dag? David Larsson Heidenblads bok ger nya och viktiga svar pa fragor som angar oss alla. *** The Stockholm Conference 1972 drew the world’s attention to the global environmental crisis. To the inhabitants of Sweden, however, this threat to the planet and to humanity was nothing new. Anyone who regularly read newspapers, listened to the radio, or watched the television news would have encountered the issues. Five years earlier, in the summer of 1967, things were very different. At that time, it was not at all self-evident that humans were in the process of destroying their own living environment. Hence, in a short period of time, a radical change took place: an ‘environmental turn’. It had major and far-reaching consequences. But what was it that opened people’s eyes to the environmental crisis? When did it happen? Who set the ball rolling? And what does this historical process mean for us today? David Larsson Heidenblad’s book sheds new light on the emergence of modern environmentalism in Sweden and provides fresh insight to challenges that concerns us all. Academic co-ordinator is Marianne Thormahlen, Professor Emerita, Lund University:
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