Optimal Emotional Appeals for Chatbots Representing Social Justice Organizations

Autor: Schanke, Scott, Bhattacharya, Siddharth, Sanyal, Pallab
Rok vydání: 2023
DOI: 10.17605/osf.io/eafud
Popis: Overall this study will seek to understand how emotional appeals when delivered via a text chatbot influences persuasiveness across several different outcomes of interest for social justice organizations. learning more about the organization, interest in finding out more about services, donations, signing petitions, sharing information and encouraging an aligned perspective. The scope of the current research is to test the perceptions of our messaging appeals used in the chatbot. In this study, we would deploy a chatbot in a field study on two organizations. In so doing, the subjects interact with the chatbot that achieves higher or lower levels of emotionality in their persuasive appeals as well as higher and lower levels of anthropomorphism.
Databáze: OpenAIRE