Pseudoscaphirhynchus kaufmanni

Autor: Çiçek, Erdoğan, Fricke, Ronald, Eagderi, Soheil, Sungur, Sevil, Coad, Brian W, Hamdard, Mohammad Hamid
Rok vydání: 2023
ISSN: 1208-7203
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8076154
Popis: Pseudoscaphirhynchus kaufmanni (Kessler, 1877) [N]—Amu Darya shovelnose sturgeon Taxonomy. Original description: Scaphirhynchus kaufmanni Kessler, 1877: 194 [Lower Amu-Darya River, Uzbekistan; syntypes: SPSU uncat. (1), ZIN 2707 (1, lost), ZMMU P-1456 (1)].— Afghanistan synonyms: None.—Revisions: Berg (1948: 104).—Illustration: Berg (1948: 106–108, figs. 80–84). Status in Afghanistan. First record from Afghanistan by Berg (1948: 104); confirmed by Coad (1981: 8; 2014: 111; 2015: 227).—Afghanistan materials: None. Distribution and habitat. Distribution in Afghanistan: Panj River (Amu Darya River system, into Aral Sea).— General distribution: Eastern Europe.—Habitat: The species occurs in the turbid waters of rivers with fast-flowing turbulent currents and sandy or rock-gravel substrates at depths of up to two meters in highly turbulent waters. Although it is a freshwater species, it can tolerate low salinities, as it was previously found in the river mouth area of the Aral Sea. Freshwater, brackish. Economic importance. Commercially important. Conservation. Conservation status in Afghanistan: Unknown.—IUCN: CR (Mugue & Karimov 2022b).—Threats: FIT, TOU, CON, EUT, CLI.—High sensitivity to human activities.—Keystone species.—Decline status: Decreasing.—High priority for conservation action.
Published as part of Çiçek, Erdoğan, Fricke, Ronald, Eagderi, Soheil, Sungur, Sevil, Coad, Brian W & Hamdard, Mohammad Hamid, 2023, Fishes of Afghanistan; a revised and updated annotated checklist, pp. 1-69 in Zootaxa 5305 (1) on page 9, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5305.1.1,
{"references":["Kessler, K. F. (1877) The Aralo-Caspian Expedition. IV. Fishes of the Aralo-Caspio-Pontine ichthyological region. Aralo-Caspian Expedition, St. Petersburg, xxviii + 360 pp., pls. 1 - 8.","Berg, L. S. (1948) s. n. In: Ryby presnych vod SSSR i sopredelnych stan. [Freshwater fishes of the U. S. S. R. and adjacent countries]. Vol. 1. 4 th Edition. Opredeliteli po faune SSSR. [Guide to the fauna of the U. S. S. R.], Moskva. Freshwater fishes of the U. S. S. R. and adjacent countries No. 27. Russian Academy of Sciences, USSR, Moskva, 466 pp. [in Russian. English translation available, Israel Prog. Sci. Transl., Jerusalem, 1962, 504 pp.]","Coad, B. W. (1981) Fishes of Afghanistan, an annoted checklist. National Museum of Canada Publications in Zoology, 14, i - v + 1 - 26.","Coad, B. W. (2014) Fishes of Afghanistan. Pensoft Publishers, Sofia-Moscow. 393 pp.","Mugue, N. & Karimov, B. (2022 b) Pseudoscaphirhynchus kaufmanni. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, 2022, e. T 18601 A 120872031. https: // doi. org / 10.2305 / IUCN. UK. 2022 - 1. RLTS. T 18601 A 120872031. en"]}
Databáze: OpenAIRE