Periboeum acuminatum

Autor: Corr��a, Carlos A., Migliore, Letizia J., Garbelini, Luan, Zanuncio, Jos�� C., Ribeiro, S��rvio P.
Rok vydání: 2020
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4336657
Popis: Periboeum acuminatum (Thomson, 1861) Distribution: Brazil (Par��, Rio Grande do Norte, Pernambuco, Alagoas, Bahia, Goi��s, Minas Gerais, Esp��rito Santo, Mato Grosso do Sul, Rio de Janeiro, S���o Paulo, Paran��, and Santa Catarina), and Paraguay (Barros et al. 2020; Monn�� 2020; Nascimento et al. 2017). Host plants: No host plant registered (Monn�� 2020). Material examined: Two individuals collected (01/11/2013 and 03/11/2013) with the light trap in the understory.
Published as part of Corr��a, Carlos A., Migliore, Letizia J., Garbelini, Luan, Zanuncio, Jos�� C. & Ribeiro, S��rvio P., 2020, Species survey of the subfamily Cerambycinae (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) in the Rio Doce State Park, Minas Gerais, Brazil, pp. 323-336 in Zootaxa 4881 (2) on page 330, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4881.2.6,
{"references":["Barros, R. C., Fonseca, M. G., Jardim, M. T., Vendramini, V. E., Damiani, B. C. B. & Julio, C. E. A. (2020) Species of Cerambycinae (Insecta, Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from east Parana State (Brazil), with new geographic records. Zootaxa, 4845 (1), 1 - 25. https: // doi. org / 10.11646 / zootaxa. 4845.1.1","Monne, M. A. (2020) Catalogue of the Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) of the Neotropical region. Part I. Subfamily Cerambycinae. 1 - 1127. Available from: https: // cerambycids. com / catalog / (accessed 2 June 2020)","Nascimento, F. E. L., Mermudes, J. R. M., Bravo, F. & Santos-Silva, A. (2017) Checklist, new species and new records of Cerambycidae (Insecta: Coleoptera) from Chapada Diamantina, Bahia State, Brazil. Zootaxa, 4232 (3), 347 - 360. https: // doi. org / 10.11646 / zootaxa. 4232.3.4"]}
Databáze: OpenAIRE