Idiops rohdei Karsch 1886

Autor: Fonseca-Ferreira, Rafael, Guadanucci, José Paulo Leite, Yamamoto, Flávio Uemori, Brescovit, Antonio Domingos
Rok vydání: 2021
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5762277
Popis: Idiops rohdei Karsch, 1886 Figs 3C, 31 Idiops rohdei Karsch, 1886: 93. Diagnosis The male of Idiops rohdei differs from that of other Neotropical species by the rectangular shape in dorsal view of the apical branch of the tibial apophysis (Fig. 31H) and by the short metatarsus I with a projection on the apical half (Fig. 31I). The female differs in having the spermathecae with ducts slightly curved outward in the median portion and elongated bean-shaped receptacles (Fig. 31J���K). Type material Holotype PARAGUAY ��� ♀; R. Rohde leg.; ZMB 6230. Other material examined PARAGUAY ��� 1 ♂; Departamento Amambay, 33 km SW of Pedro Juan Caballero, Parque Nacional Cerro Cor��, camping area; 22��38���04.6��� S, 56��01���33.8��� W; 22 Oct. 2019; A. P��rez-Gonz��lez, A. Ojanguren, D.J. Guerrero and J. Kochalka leg.; IBNP-2444. Remark: The description of Idiops rohdei was based on a female specimen from Paraguay, without any further details about its locality. We had access to a male specimen from Parque Nacional Cerro Cor��, mid-eastern Paraguay. The female holotype and the male specimen share the overall body coloration, especially close to the eye tubercle, which is dark brown. We decided to consider them as cospecifics, pending the availability of more specimens from Paraguay or nearby regions to support our decision. Description Male (IBNP-2444) HABITUS. See Fig. 31A. MEASUREMENTS. TBL 6.3, CL 3.3, CW 3.1, LL 0.5, LW 0.6, SL 1.8, SW 1.7. COLOR. Carapace and legs reddish brown, with dark brown ocular tubercle, yellowish coxae, brownish sternum (Fig. 31A���B), abdomen dorsally dark gray and ventrally brownish. PROSOMA. Carapace and ocular arrangement as shown in Fig. 31A. Eye tubercle: 0.6 long; 0.8 wide. Distance AME-ALE 0.5. Eye diameters:AME 0.3,ALE 0.3, PME 0.1, PLE 0.2. Thoracic fovea procurved (Fig. 31A). Labium and sternum without cuspules (Fig. 31B). Basal segment of chelicerae with a prolateral row of 4 larger teeth, and a small, retrolateral row with 2 small teeth, grouped in basal half, rastellum with 3 spines (Fig. 31B). LEGS. Tibia, metatarsus and tarsus I as shown in Fig. 31G. Pseudoscopula: tarsus II���IV fully covered. PALP. Tibia with spines distributed along margin of retrolateral depression, with larger spines on basal and apical portions (Fig. 31C), embolus with a keel in dorsal and retrolateral view, embolus strongly curved dorsally with abrupt reduction in thickness in its apical half, incomplete torsion at spermatic duct opening (Fig. 31D���F). PALP AND LEG MEASUREMENTS. Palp = 2.8 (1, 0.5, 0.9, 0.4), I = 4.2 (1.4, 0.7, 1, 0.8, 0.3), II = 3.5 (1, 0.6, 1, 0.6, 0.3), III = 4.1 (1.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.5), IV = 4.4 (1, 0.7, 1.2, 1, 0.5). SPINATION. Palp: Ti r25. Leg I: Fe d1-2-2, Pa v0-0-1, Ti v1-1-2, p0-0-1, r2-2-2, Mt v1-1-1, p0-0-1, r2- 2-2, Ta v3-6-5, p0-1-1, r2-2-1. Leg II: Pa v0-0-2, Ti v2-1-3, r1-2-2, Mt v4-3-4, p0-0-3, r-2-2, Ta p0-1-1, r2-1-1. Leg III: Pa p0-0-3, Ti v0-2-2, Mt v0-1-3, p0-0-1, Ta r1-0-1. Leg IV: Pa p0-0-6, Ti p0-0-2, Mt v0-2-4, Ta p1-1-2. Female (holotype ZMB 6230) MEASUREMENTS. TBL 13.9, CL 6.8, CW 5.8, LL 1, LW 1.4, SL 4.2, SW 3.7. COLOR. Carapace and legs red brown. Eye tubercle dark brown. Sternum brown. PROSOMA. Eye tubercle: 1.7 long; 1.5 wide. AME-ALE distance 1. Eye diameters: AME 0.4, ALE 0.3, PME 0.3, PLE 0.4. Thoracic fovea procurved. Labium with 5 cuspules. Maxilla with 58 cuspules, distributed throughout anterior ventral half. Basal segment of chelicerae with a prolateral row of 6 large teeth and 11 small retrolateral teeth, grouped in median area. PALP AND LEG MEASUREMENTS. Palp = 11.2 (3.7, 2.3, 2.6, 2.6), I = 13.1 (4.4, 2.9, 2.8, 2, 1), II = 11.7 (4, 2.7, 2.2, 1.8, 1), III = 12.6 (3.8, 2.7, 1.8, 2.6, 1.7), IV = 17.3 (4.9, 3.3, 3.7, 3.4, 2). SPINATION. Palp: Fe p0-0-2, Pa p0-1-0, Ti p7-7-12, r6-11-12, Ta v6-11-12. Leg. I: Ti p6-5-8, r4-7-15, Mt p10-7-7, r11-8-7, Ta v0-0-7, p4-4-4, r4-4-0. Leg II: Ti p3-4-7, r1-2-4, Mt p13-7-9, r5-5-5, Ta v0-0-6, p5- 5-3, r5-3-0. Leg III: Pa p6-5-12, r0-0-3, Ti v0-0-2, p0-4-8, r0-3-3, Mt v2-2-3, p10-4-3, r5-2-1, Ta v4-8-9. Leg IV: Pa p39-0-0, Ti v1-1-1, Mt v1-1-7, r0-0-1, Ta v4-6-11. SPERMATHECAE. Bean-shaped receptacula with conspicuous granules, long, translucent ducts (Fig. 31J���K). Distribution Paraguay. Departamento Amambay (Fig. 3C).
Published as part of Fonseca-Ferreira, Rafael, Guadanucci, Jos�� Paulo Leite, Yamamoto, Fl��vio Uemori & Brescovit, Antonio Domingos, 2021, Taxonomic revision of the Neotropical spiders of the genus Idiops Perty, 1833 (Araneae, Idiopidae), with description of four new species, pp. 1-71 in European Journal of Taxonomy 780 (1) on pages 58-60, DOI: 10.5852/ejt.2021.780.1581,
{"references":["Karsch F. 1886. Araneologisches aus Sudamerika. Berliner Entomologische Zeitschrift 30: 92 - 94."]}
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