Grof Josip Šišković (1719. – 1783.) – hrvatski general u vojsci Habsburške Monarhije

Autor: Matić, Zdravko, Stojić, Frano
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Radovi Zavoda za povijesne znanosti HAZU u Zadru
Volume 64
ISSN: 1848-8943
Popis: Autori su na temelju arhivskog gradiva i recentne literature istražili koja je bila uloga i značaj Josipa Šiškovića, časnika hrvatskog podrijetla u službi Habsburške Monarhije u razdoblju od 1719. do 1783. godine. U prikazu njegova života i djela korišteno je arhivsko gradivo iz bečkog Državnog arhiva, Mađarskog državnog arhiva te knjige i tisak iz ondašnjeg razdoblja, kao i suvremena literatura niza autora koji se tek rubno bave generalom Šiškovićem. U hrvatskoj historiografiji malo je poznato da je kao barun Šišković 1770. godine primljen u Tajno vijeće Dvorskog ratnog vijeća, a kasnije je bio i potpredsjednik Tajnog vijeća Dvorskog ratnog vijeća. U srazu s pruskim vojskovođom i kraljem Fridrikom II. odnio je pobjedu kod Kollina (1757.). Pokopan je u katedrali u Pragu.
The aim of this paper is to shed light on and affirm the life and work of the great military leader, Commander of Croatian origin Joseph Count Siskowitz (Josip grof Šišković) in the military-political service of the Habsburg Empire. The paper uses reliable facts determined by the method of comparison through a thorough research of books and newspapers of that time. Two documents from the National Archives of Austria in Vienna (Staatsarchiv: Geheime Rate: 1769 – 1805) were also brought in: (1) a request from Baron Siskowitz in 1770 to the co-regent Joseph II for admission to a secret council and (2) a letter of recommendation from an unnamed court aide for the same purpose. The military prowess of this warrior and military leader can be deduced from his two victories against the legendary Prussian king and military leader Frederick II the Great. The Battle of Collin (1757) and the Battle of Olomouc (1758) earned him military status, but after that, he was preoccupied with the supervision of military borders. He enjoyed the highest confidence of the Vienna Court War Council. Another proof of his greatness is that he was one of the last European dignitaries to be buried in the Cathedral of St. Vitus in Prague in 1783. However, there was also a blemish in his career as he ordered the infamous Massacre of Szekelys in 1764. In addition to his great triumphs in battle, this work specifically deals with the dark side of Siskowitz’s military-political career. Nevertheless, the ultimate purpose of this article is to reaffirm his legacy as a military commander.
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