Additional file 1 of Assigning protein function from domain-function associations using DomFun

Autor: Rojano, Elena, Jabato, Fernando M., Perkins, James R., C��rdoba-Caballero, Jos��, Garc��a-Criado, Federico, Sillitoe, Ian, Orengo, Christine, Ranea, Juan A. G., Seoane-Zonjic, Pedro
Rok vydání: 2022
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.18482425
Popis: Additional file 1. Table S1: Fmax values for all DomFun methods and all combinations of evaluation scenarios and ontologies, compared to the highest equivalent value from CAFA 3 and the baseline methods. Type 1: no knowledge, type 2: limited knowledge. Mode 1: Full, mode 2: partial. FF: FunFams, SF: superfamilies. Jac: Jaccard, Sim: Simpson, PCC: Pearson correlation coe_cient, HyI: hypergeometric. Sto: Stou_er, Fis: Fisher.
Databáze: OpenAIRE