Obturator nerve injuries during intra-abdominal surgery

Autor: C. Bischoff, P.W. Schönle
Rok vydání: 1991
Zdroj: Clinical neurology and neurosurgery. 93(1)
ISSN: 0303-8467
Popis: Selective obturatory nerve lesions are described to occur relatively infrequent. In the present paper two patients developing signs and symptoms of an obturatory neuropathy as a result of abdominal surgery were reported. In a 48-year-old woman a bilateral obturator neuropathy occured after bilateral ovarectomy with a weakness of the adductor muscles, typical electromyographic findings and sensory deficits in the medial aspect of the thigh. Similar unilateral signs and symptoms were seen in a 65-years-old man as a result of an aortofemoral bypass operation. Symptomatology and differential diagnosis of obturator nerve lesions are discussed.
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