Autor: İlker Eroğlu
Jazyk: turečtina
Rok vydání: 2016
Popis: Tekirdag Limani, Turkiye’nin kuzeybatisinda Marmara Bolgesi'nin Ergene ve Catalca-Kocaeli Bolumleri sinirlari icinde, Marmara Denizi'nin kuzey kiyisinda yer almaktadir. Liman, kuzeyde Karadeniz, guneyde Ege ve Akdeniz’deki limanlarin baglanti kurabilme olanaklarina sahiptir. Limanin cografi konumu deniz ulasimi ve ticareti acisindan yogun gemi trafiginin goruldugu, ayni zamanda stratejik oneme sahip Istanbul ve Canakkale bogazlarinin gecis guzergâhinda bulunmaktadir. Tekirdag Limani’nda devlete ve ozel sektore ait olarak insa edilmis 32 iskelenin toplam uzunlugu 7 286 m'dir. Iskelelerde modern teknik donanim ve techizat ile dunya standartlarinda hizmet verilmektedir. Tekirdag Limani’nda liman sahasi toplami yaklasik olarak 816.076 m² dir. Limanda iskeleler Marmara Ereglisi, Tekirdag Merkez (Suleymanpasa) ve Barbaros kiyilari olmak uzere uc farkli alana dagilmis durumdadir. Tekirdag Limani 2014 yilinda toplam yuk elleclemesinde 12.529.022 ton ile Turkiye limanlari icinde sekizinci sirada yer almistir. Toplam yuk elleclemesinde BOTAS, MARTAS ve OPET liman tesisleri one cikmaktadir. Yorede gelisen sanayi ve ticaret sektorlerinin ihtiyaclari dogrultusunda liman alaninda yeni iskeleler insa edilmistir. ASYAPORT limaninin buyuk konteyner gemilerinin yanasmasina olanak saglayan iskelesi ile Istanbul ve Bursa limanlarinin yukunu hafifletecegi ongorulmektedir. Limanda yuk ve Ro-Ro tasimaciligi yapilmaktadir. Elleclenen urunler icinde sanayi urunleri ile kimyasal maddeler agirlikli olarak bulunmaktadir. Ithalatin, ihracattan fazla oldugu Tekirdag Limani, bu ozelligi ile ithalat limani olarak nitelendirilebilir. Bu calismada Tekirdag Limani'nin bolge ve ulke duzeyinde onemine ve tanitimina cografi prensipler dogrultusunda, katki saglanmasi amaclanmaktadir. Anahtar Sozcukler: Tekirdag Limani, Cografi Faktorler, Deniz Ulasimi, Sanayi, Ticaret, Hinterland. GEOGRAPHICAL FEATURES OF TEKIRDAG PORT AND ITS ROLE AMONG OTHER PORTS IN TURKEY Abstract: The port of Tekirdag is located in the northwest of Turkey, on the border of Ergene and Catalca-Kocaeli region of Marmara Region, on the north banks of the Marmara Sea. The port has advantages as being a connection to Black Sea ports in the north and Aegean and Mediterranean ports in the south. The geographical location of the port is on the strategic gateway of Istanbul and Canakkale straits where heavy ship traffic has been gone through in terms of maritime and trade transport. The total length of 32 wharfs constructed by either state or private sectors is of 7286 metres. Wharfs serve ships and transportation with their modern equipment in high standards worlwide. The total area of the port is of approximately 816.076 metre square. Wharfs have been divided into the three areas of Marmara Ereglisi, Tekirdag (Suleymanpasa) and Barbaros in terms of location. In 2014, Tekirdag has become the eighth among Turkey’s ports in terms of taking the total amount of 12.529.002 tonnes material. BOTAS, MARTAS and OPET port premises have been distinguished among others in terms of total amount of handling. New wharfs have been constructed in the port area in line with the needs of developing industrial and trade sectors in the city and it is foreseen for the wharf of ASYAPORT enabling the giant container ships to berth to disburden Istanbul and Bursa ports. Container and Ro-Ro transportation have been carried out in the port. There are industrial products, and chemical substances dominantly among handled products. The port of Tekirdag could be characterized as an import port since much more import has been done than export. This study aims to contribute to the importance and introducing of Tekirdag Port on regional and national level considering geographical principles. Keywords: Port of Tekirdag, Geographical Features, Maritime Transport, Industry, Trade, Hinterland
Databáze: OpenAIRE