Supplementary Data from The Folate Pathway Inhibitor Pemetrexed Pleiotropically Enhances Effects of Cancer Immunotherapy

Autor: Ruslan D. Novosiadly, Michael Kalos, Gerald E. Hall, David Surguladze, Gregory P. Donoho, Thompson N. Doman, Jason R. Manro, Frank C. Dorsey, Krishna Chodavarapu, Manisha Brahmachary, Bo Tan, Alexander Nikolayev, Kenneth D. Roth, Carmine Carpenito, Shuang Luo, Xiaodong Huang, Bonita D. Jones, Catalina M. Meyer, Yanxia Li, Andrew Capen, Darin Chin, Andreas Sonyi, Erik R. Rasmussen, Zhao Hai Lu, Nelusha Amaladas, Sandaruwan Geeganage, David A. Schaer
Rok vydání: 2023
Popis: Figure S1. Efficacy of pemetrexed in Lewis Lung carcinoma model and metabolomic analysis of MC38 tumor bearing mice treated with 50 mg/kg of pemetrexed Figure S2. T cell inflamed phenotype induced by pemetrexed is modestly reduced in tumors upon combination with cisplatin Figure S3. Combination Effects of pemetrexed -/+ anti-PD-L1 in MC38, LLC and Colon26 tumor models Figure S4 (A) Mice bearing Colon26 tumors were treated starting 10 days after tumor implantation with pemetrexed (50 mg/kg, 5 days on, 2 days off, IP) and/or anti-PD-L1 (αPD-L1) (500 ug/mouse, weekly IP), and tumors were isolated after 14 days of treatment and single cell suspensions were subjected to flow cytometry analysis. FACS plots show representative data of intra-tumor CD45+ tumor-infiltrating lymphocyte (TIL) T cell (CD3+) and Myeloid cell (CD11b+) subsets frequencies; and percentage of Ki67+ CD4+ T effector cells based on the gating scheme indicated. (B) Spleens, TDLNs and tumors were isolated and antigen specific T cell responses were measured by IFNγ ELISpot, gp70 Tetramer staining (Tet) and Intracellular cytokine staining. (Left) CD8 T cells isolated from pooled spleens and TDLNs from individual mice were cultured alone (control) with irrelevant BALB/c tumor EMT6 or cognate Colon26 tumor cells overnight and number of IFNγ producing T cells was measured by ELISpot. (Middle) Freshly isolated CD8+ T cells from spleens and TDLNs were assessed for % of gp70 Tet+ cells. (Right) Freshly isolated tumors single cell suspensions were stimulated with PMA/ phorbol myristate acetate (PMA) and ionomycin with monensin for 4 hrs and the % of TNF-alpha positive and gp70 Tet+ CD8 T cells were measured from the Live CD45+, CD3+ T cells by FACS. Figure S5. Concordance between QuantiGene and nCounter gene expression data for in vitro activated T cells treated in the presence or absence of pemetrexed (related to Figure 6F). Supplementary Table 1. Ingenuity pathway analysis (IPA) of MC38 tumors treated with pemetrexed or paclitaxel with or without carboplatin Supplementary Table 2: IPA results for Colon26 experiment in Figure 4 sorted by functional class. Pemetrexed monotherapy in this experiment at this timepoint did not have enough differentially expressed genes to generate IPA results.
Databáze: OpenAIRE