Macrothemis declivata Calvert 1909

Autor: Salgado, Luiz Gustavo Vargas, Carvalho, Alcimar Do Lago, Pinto, ��ngelo Parise
Rok vydání: 2013
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5658971
Popis: Macrothemis declivata Calvert, 1909 (Figures 11 ���20, 40) Material. BRAZIL, Rio de Janeiro State: Mag�� municipality, Citrol��ndia, RPPN Campo Escoteiro Geraldo Hugo Nunes [22 �� 34 ��� 21.26 ������S, 43 ��02���01.33������W; 20 m a.s.l.], 26.VII. 1987, A. L. Carvalho leg., �� F-0, adult emergence 24.VIII. 1987 (87071 -E); Mato Grosso State: Chapada dos Guimar��es municipality, Parque Nacional [da Chapada dos Guimar��es], Cachoeira dos Namorados (pool margins, ravine and gravel) [15 �� 24 ��� 26.64 ������S, 55 �� 49 ��� 22.92 ������W; 600 m a.l.s.], 16.II. 2000, A. L. Carvalho leg., �� F-0, emergence date unknown. All in DZRJ. Larva very similar to M. imitans imitans described above, differing by the following features: Integument covered by short filiform setae, especially longer and concentrated on sides of head, thorax and legs. Carvalho et al. Costa et al. Heckman Needham et al. Novelo-Guti��rrez Rodr��guez (2002) (2004) (2006) (2000) (1997) Cap��tulo (1992) References Brazil (in part) Brazil South America North America Mexico Argentina Macrothemis 9 /0/ 4 / 1 /0 0/ 5 / 9 / 1 /0 1 / 8 / 1 / 4 /0 8 / 1 / 5 /0/0 8 / 1 / 1 / 4 /0 0/ 1 / 2 / 3 / 8 (n = 14) Ram��rez & Novelo- M. aurimaculata Macrothemis Brechmorhoga ** Macrothemis * Macrothemis Macrothemis Macrothemis * Guti��rrez (1999) Ram��rez & M. celeno Macrothemis Macrothemis * Macrothemis Macrothemis Macrothemis Error Novelo- Guti��rrez (1999) M. declivata Macrothemis Brechmorhoga ** Macrothemis * Macrothemis Macrothemis Error Thispaper be continued on the next page TABLE 1. (Continued.) Carvalho et al. Costa et al. Heckman Needham et al. Novelo-Guti��rrez Rodr��guez (2002) (2004) (2006) (2000) (1997) Cap��tulo (1992) References Brazil (in part) Brazil South America North America Mexico Argentina Meurgey B. archboldi Brechmorhoga Brechmorhoga Brechmorhoga * Brechmorhoga Brechmorhoga Brechmorhoga * (2008) Needham & B. mendax Brechmorhoga Brechmorhoga Brechmorhoga * Brechmorhoga Brechmorhoga Brechmorhoga Fisher (1936) Von B. nubecula Brechmorhoga Brechmorhoga Brechmorhoga * Brechmorhoga Brechmorhoga Dythemis *** Ellenrieder (2007) Brechmorhoga or B. nubecula ? Brechmorhoga Brechmorhoga Brechmorhoga * Brechmorhoga Brechmorhoga * Santos (1969) Scapanea * Brechmorhoga or Novelo B. pertinax Brechmorhoga Brechmorhoga * Brechmorhoga Brechmorhoga Brechmorhoga * Macrothemis * Guti��rrez (1995) Novelo- B. praecox Brechmorhoga Brechmorhoga Brechmorhoga * Brechmorhoga Brechmorhoga Brechmorhoga * Gutierrez (1995) S. frontalis - - - Scapanea - - Klots(1932) ��� Possibility of correct identification with one or two doubtful characters; ���**��� Incorrect identification; ���***��� Possibility of incorrect identification with one or two doubtful characters; ���Error��� - no possible correct identification (three or more doubtful or not applicable characters); ���-��� Genus not included. Head (Figs. 11���15). Occipital margin concave, with occipital lobes covered with short and long robust setae. Frons with a row of reddish brown filiform setae between antennae. Vertex with reddish brown filiform setae, not especially concentrated. Relative length of antennomeres: 65, 76, 100, 66, 81, 100, 78; third and sixth antennomeres similar in length, longer than others. Mandibular formula L 1234 0 ab (or ad) / R 1234 y abc-d (Figs. 11���12); left mandible: molars and incisors with obtuse apexes, size b (or d)>a, size 3> 4> 1> 2, prominence 3> 4> 1> 2; right mandible: molars and incisors with obtuse apexes, a and b nipple like, d very broad, size d>b>a>c-, size 1> 3> 2> 4, prominence 4> 3> 1> 2, cleft between 3 and 4 shallow, y apex poorly distinguished. Prementum longer than wide in ventral view (only in the Rio de Janeiro specimen) (Fig. 13); ventral surface pale, lacking dark spots; ligula projected 0.37, forming an angle of about 120 ��; premental setae 10, unequal in length, the most internal smaller, growing up to the fourth or fifth of row, and other distinctly larger, about 1.5 x as long as the centrals. Labial palps with 6 palpal setae (Fig. 14); proximal portion with setella and a group of 10 short spiniform setae; proximal 0.66 of outer margin with a row of about 10 short and robust setae; distal margin with 10���11 crenations (Fig. 15); crenations closest to outer margin with 1���3 setae; inner margin of palps with a row of about 25 setae; ventral surface without spots. Thorax. Pronotum only with short setae, lateral margins with stout spiniform setae; inverted ���V���spot illdefined in both exuviae and larvae. Abdomen (Figs. 16���20). Dorsal hooks on S 2���9, that of S 2 barely distinct and like a tubercle (Figs. 16���17). Tergites with spiniform setae on lateral margins, increasing in number gradually toward apex of abdomen; posterior border of S 4 tergite with short and filiform setae along its entire length; lateral spines on S 8���9, as long as 0.58 and 1.1 mediodorsal length of respective segment. Cerci conical, ca. 0.75 of epiproct length in lateral view (Figs. 19���20). Measurements (in mm; n= 2). Total length 17.82���18.45; head mediodorsal length 2.15���2.28; head max. width 4.83���4.89; antenna total length 1.52���1.62; length of antennomeres 0.17���0.18, 0.19���0.22, 0.27���0.31, 0.17���0.20, 0.21���0.22, 0.26���0.27, 0.21���0.22; prementum length 4.42���4.48; prementum max. width 3.76���3.96; hindwing sheath length 4.80���4.97; metafemur length 4.31���5.18; metatibia length 4.35���4.50; abdomen length (incl. appendages) 7.78���8.41; abdomen max. width (S 6) 5.34���5.54; epiproct length in lateral view 0.95���0.98; paraproct max. length in lateral view 0.74���0.80; cercus length in lateral view 0.75���0.76. Diagnosis. The F-0 larva can be correctly identified as Macrothemis in the majority of the keys examined, except that of Costa et al. (2004) and Rodr��guez Cap��tulo (1992) (Tables 1���2). The following combination of characters separates it from the other described larvae of the genus: antennomeres 5���7 distinctly longer than half of 3; ligula moderately prominent, with lateral margins forming an angle of ca. 120 o (Fig. 15); 10 premental setae, not clearly divided in two groups; labial palps with crenations semicircular, deep notches (regular type) (Figs. 13���14); 6 palpal setae; setae of distal margin cylindrical; dorsal hooks on S 2���9; dorsal hook of S 2 small, shorter than the mediodorsal length of segment, tubercle-like (Figs. 16���17); dorsal hooks of S 5���9 not reduced, with acute apex, similar to those of preceding segments; dorsal hook of S 9 shorter, less pronounced distally than corresponding lateral spines; lateral spines of S 9 straight; apex of lateral spines of S 9 reaching the level of 0.66 epiproct in dorsal view (S 10 and caudal appendages distinctly embedded on S 9); total length longer than 15.5 mm.
Published as part of Salgado, Luiz Gustavo Vargas, Carvalho, Alcimar Do Lago & Pinto, ��ngelo Parise, 2013, Larval taxonomy of Macrothemis Hagen, 1868 (Odonata: Libellulidae), with descriptions of four larvae and a key to the fourteen known species, pp. 229-245 in Zootaxa 3599 (3) on pages 233-237, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3599.3.2,
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