Veterans Health Administration's Physician Assistant Primary Care Residency: An Evaluation of the First 3 Years

Autor: R Keith Bailey, Petar Breitinger, Denni Woodmansee, Debbie Hettler, Maurita Carrejo, David M Latini, Kenneth R Jones, Jason Domagalski, Krista Berner, Lurie McAdow, Karen Sanders, D Shawn Cole, Shelia Palmer, Jerry VanRuiswyk
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: The journal of physician assistant education : the official journal of the Physician Assistant Education Association. 29(4)
ISSN: 1941-9430
Popis: Purpose Results from an evaluation of a 12-month postgraduate Veterans Health Administration (VHA) residency in primary care for physician assistants (PAs). Methods Descriptive and open-ended data were collected to describe the experience of faculty and trainees participating in the first 3 years of this pilot residency. Quantitative data were summarized using descriptive statistics. Text data were transcribed and reviewed for common themes across residency sites and respondents. Data were collected at 2 time points-the end of the first year and the beginning of year 4. Results In the first 3 years of the program, 18 residents were enrolled at 6 sites, with 89% completing the residency. At the second time point, 8 more residents were enrolled. Residents were primarily female (69%). Of the residents completing the program, 56% obtained VHA employment, and 75% of the current residents planned to work for the VHA upon completing the program. Program infrastructure, such as written curriculum, a dedicated administrative staff, and written evaluations for trainees, was more common at the second time point. Recurring themes included the importance of establishing relationships with potential applicants, preceptors, medical center leadership, and trainees to support the program and the importance of securing resources such as space and protected time for faculty. Conclusions Although postgraduate residency programs are less common for PAs than for some other health professions, our data suggest that a one-year residency can provide training for new graduates to help solidify their clinical experience and facilitate their transition to practice.
Databáze: OpenAIRE