Additional file 1 of Deep learning radiomics based on contrast-enhanced ultrasound images for assisted diagnosis of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma and chronic pancreatitis

Autor: Tong, Tong, Gu, Jionghui, Xu, Dong, Song, Ling, Zhao, Qiyu, Cheng, Fang, Yuan, Zhiqiang, Tian, Shuyuan, Yang, Xin, Tian, Jie, Wang, Kun, Jiang, Tian���an
Rok vydání: 2022
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.19290139
Popis: Additional file 1: Method S1. Detailed training process of our DLR model. Method S2. Details of the two-round reader study. Figure S1. One example of the raw CEUS image generated from the US device. Figure S2. Resized color and grayscale CEUS ROI images extracted from raw CEUS images generated by different US devices. Figure S3. Performance of different deep learning backbones on training and validation cohorts. Figure S4. Confusion matrices for the comprehensive results from five readers with and without DLR assistance and the DLR model on internal and external validation cohorts. Figure S5. Confusion matrices for Reader 1~5 without DLR assistance on internal and external validation cohorts. Figure S6. Confusion matrices for Reader 1~5 with DLR assistance on internal and external validation cohorts. Figure S7. Histogram representing the PDAC score output from the DLR model on CP and PDAC lesions. Table S1. The detailed architecture of our DLR model. Table S2. Sensitivity and specificity comparison between the diagnoses from the DLR model and that of each reader in the validation cohorts.
Databáze: OpenAIRE