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Description A patient, age 27, consulted me about a congenital deformity of his nose involving the osteocartilaginous structure of the nasal pyramid. On examination the shape of the nose resembled a matchbox. The width of the root of the nose was 4 cm., the same as that of the tip. The bridge of the nose presented a large depression starting at the level of the glabella, where the depression was very slight, and became deeper toward the tip of the nose, where the depression passed between the medial crura of the lower cartilages. The angles of the lower cartilages of the nose were separated by this depression. The bridge of the nose was limited on each side by a ridge beginning at the glabella and finishing at the angle of the lower cartilages. The length of the nose was 5.2 cm. The nostrils were asymmetric and the left was larger |