Benefits and limitations of telegenetics: A literature review

Autor: Anita Gorrie, Carolyn Cameron, Helen Kincaid, Judy Gold, Molly Krause
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Journal of Genetic Counseling.
ISSN: 1573-3599
DOI: 10.1002/jgc4.1418
Popis: Telegenetics involves the use of technology (generally video conferencing) to remotely provide genetic services. A telegenetics platform is critical for those with limitations or vulnerabilities compromising their ability to attend clinic in-person, including individuals in rural areas. As the demand for remote genetics services increases, and amidst the COVID-19 pandemic with social distancing practices in place, we conducted a literature review to examine the benefits and limitations of telegenetics and explore the views of patients and health professionals utilizing telegenetics. Searches of the PubMed database identified 21 relevant primary studies for inclusion. The majority of studies found acceptability of telegenetics to be high among patients and health professionals and that telegenetics provided access to genetics services for underserved communities. The main benefits cited include cost-effectiveness and reduction in travel time for genetics services providing outreach clinics and patients who would otherwise travel long distances to access genetics. Patients appreciated the convenience of telegenetics including the reduced wait times, although a minority of patients reported their psychosocial needs were not adequately met. Eight studies compared outcomes between telegenetics and in-person services; findings suggested when comparing telegenetics patients to their in-person counterparts, telegenetics patients had a similar level of knowledge and understanding of genetics and similar psychological outcomes. Some studies reported challenges related to establishing rapport and reading and responding to verbal cues via telegenetics, while technical issues were not generally found to be a major limitation. Some service adaptations, for example, counseling strategies, may be required to successfully deliver telegenetics. Further research may be necessary to gather and examine data on how telegenetics outcomes compare to that of in-person genetic counseling and adapt services accordingly.
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