Direct measurement of the pulse duration and frequency chirp of seeded XUV free electron laser pulses

Autor: Andreas Przystawik, Markus Drescher, Leslie Lamberto Lazzarino, Jörn Bödewadt, Jörg Rossbach, Oliver Becker, Nagitha Ekanayake, Ingmar Hartl, Armin Azima, R. Ivanov, Stefan Düsterer, Tim Plath, Ralph Assmann, Velizar Miltchev, Marek Wieland, Tim Laarmann, Theophilos Maltezopoulos, Mehdi Mohammad Kazemi, Bastian Manschwetus, Christoph Lechner, Jost Müller, Wilfried Wurth
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: New journal of physics 20, 013010 (2018). doi:10.1088/1367-2630/aa9b4c
ISSN: 1367-2630
Popis: New journal of physics 20, 013010 (2017). doi:10.1088/1367-2630/aa9b4c
We report on a direct time-domain measurement of the temporal properties of a seeded free-electron laser pulse in the extreme ultraviolet spectral range. Utilizing the oscillating electromagnetic field of terahertz radiation, a single-shot THz streak-camera was applied for measuring the duration as well as spectral phase of the generated intense XUV pulses. The experiment was conducted at FLASH, the free electron laser user facility at DESY in Hamburg, Germany. In contrast to indirect methods, this approach directly resolves and visualizes the frequency chirp of a seeded FEL pulse. The reported diagnostic capability is a prerequisite to tailor amplitude, phase and frequency distributions of FEL beams on demand. In particular, it opens up a new window of opportunities for advanced coherent spectroscopic studies making use of the high degree of temporal coherence expected from a seeded FEL pulse.
Published by IOP Publ., [Bad Honnef]
Databáze: OpenAIRE