Pulsed laser deposition of single phase n- and p-type Cu2O thin films with low resistivity

Autor: David Cherns, Syed Farid Uddin Farhad, David J. Fermín, James A. Smith, Neil A. Fox
Rok vydání: 2019
Copper oxide
Materials science
Hall coefficient measurement
Analytical chemistry
Pulsed laser deposition
FOS: Physical sciences
02 engineering and technology
Substrate (electronics)
Applied Physics (physics.app-ph)
010402 general chemistry
01 natural sciences
Electrical resistivity and conductivity
Phase (matter)
Physics - Chemical Physics
General Materials Science
Thin film
pulsed laser deposition
Chemical Physics (physics.chem-ph)
Condensed Matter - Materials Science
Mechanical Engineering
P- and n-type conductivity
Materials Science (cond-mat.mtrl-sci)
Physics - Applied Physics
021001 nanoscience & nanotechnology
0104 chemical sciences
Dielectric spectroscopy
Indium tin oxide
p- and n-type conductivity
Cuprous oxide (Cu2O) thin film
Mechanics of Materials
Fermi level
cuprous oxide (Cu2O) thin film
lcsh:Materials of engineering and construction. Mechanics of materials
Mott-Schottky analyses
0210 nano-technology
Zdroj: Materials & Design, Vol 193, Iss, Pp 108848-(2020)
Farhad, S F U, Cherns, D, Smith, J, Fox, N & Fermin, D 2020, ' Pulsed laser deposition of single phase n-and p-type Cu2O thin films with low resistivity ', Materials and Design, vol. 193, 108848 . https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matdes.2020.108848
DOI: 10.48550/arxiv.1911.03727
Popis: Low resistivity (~3-24 mOhm.cm) with tunable n- and p-type phase pure Cu2O thin films have been grown by pulsed laser deposition at 25-200 0C by varying the background oxygen partial pressure (O2pp). Capacitance data obtained by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy was used to determine the conductivity (n- or p-type), carrier density, and flat band potentials for samples grown on indium tin oxide (ITO) at 25 0C. The Hall mobility of the n- and p-type Cu2O was estimated to be ~ 0.85 cm2.V-1s-1 and ~ 4.78 cm2.V-1s-1 respectively for samples grown on quartz substrate at 25 0C. An elevated substrate temperature ~ 200 0C with O2pp = 2 - 3 mTorr yielded p-type Cu2O films with six orders of magnitude higher resistivities in the range ~ 9 - 49 kOhm.cm and mobilities in the range ~ 13.5 - 22.2 cm2.V-1s-1. UV-Vis-NIR diffuse reflectance spectroscopy showed optical bandgaps of Cu2O films in the range of 1.76 to 2.15 eV depending on O2pp. Thin films grown at oxygen-rich conditions O2pp > 7 mTorr yielded mixed-phase copper oxide irrespective of the substrate temperatures and upon air annealing at 550 0C for 1 hour completely converted to CuO phase with n-type semiconducting properties (~12 Ohm.cm, ~1.50 cm2.V-1s-1). The as-grown p- and n-type Cu2O showed rectification and a photovoltaic (PV) response in solid junctions with n-ZnO and p-Si electrodes respectively. Our findings may create new opportunities for devising Cu2O based junctions requiring low process temperatures.
41 pages(including suppl. material), 7 figures (14 suppl. figures)
Databáze: OpenAIRE