Comparison Of Welding Fumes Exposure During Standing And Sitting Welder'S Position
Autor: | Azian Hariri, M. Z. M Yusof, A. M. Leman |
Jazyk: | angličtina |
Rok vydání: | 2013 |
Předmět: | |
DOI: | 10.5281/zenodo.1088283 |
Popis: | Experimental study was conducted to assess personal welding fumes exposure toward welders during an aluminum metal inert gas (MIG) process. The welding process was carried out by a welding machine attached to a Computer Numerical Control (CNC) workbench. A dummy welder was used to replicate welder during welding works and was attached with sampling pumps and filter cassettes for welding fumes sampling. Direct reading instruments to measure air velocity, humidity, temperature and particulate matter with diameter size 10µm or less (PM10) were located behind the dummy welder and parallel to the neck collar level to make sure the measured welding fumes exposure were not being influenced by other factors. Welding fumes exposure during standing and sitting position with and without the usage of local exhaust ventilation (LEV) was investigated. Welding fume samples were then digested and analyzed by using inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy (ICP-MS) according to ASTM D7439-08 method. The results of the study showed the welding fume exposure during sitting was lower compared to standing position. LEV helped reduce aluminum and lead exposure to acceptable levels during standing position. However during sitting position reduction of exposure was smaller. It can be concluded that welder position and the correct positioning of LEV should be implemented for effective exposure reduction. {"references":["H.S. Ashby, \"Welding fumes in the workplace: Preventing potential \nhealth problems through proactive controls,\" Professional Safety, pp. 55-\n60, 2002.","S.R. Fiore, \"Reducing exposure to hexavalent chromium in welding \nfumes,\" Welding Journal, pp. 38-43, 2006.","E. Ravert ,\"Controlling chromium fumes,\" Welding Journal, 2006.","C. Isaxon, J. Pagels, A. Gudmundsson, C. Asbach, A.C. John, T.A.J. \nKuhlbusch, J.E. 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