Clinical significance of a negative D‐dimer level in patients with confirmed venous thromboembolism. Findings from the RIETE Registry

Autor: Soto, M. J., Grau, E., Gadelha, T., Palareti, G., Bounameaux, H., Villalta, J., Monreal, M., Arcelus, Ji, Barba, R, Blanco, A, Barrón, M, Casado, I, Casas, Jm, Cisneros, E, Chaves, E, del Toro, J, Durán, M, Falgá, C, Fernández Capitán, C, Gabriel, F, Gallego, P, García Bragado, F, Gómez Zorilla, S, Grau, E, Guijarro, R, Guil, M, Gutiérrez, J, Gutiérrez, Mr, Hernández, L, Hernández Huerta, D, Jiménez, M, Jiménez, Mp, Lasso, Jm, Lobo, Jl, López, L, Lorenzo, A, Luque, Jm, Lladó, M, Madridano, O, Marchena, Pj, Martín Villasclaras JJ, Monreal, M, Morales, M, Nauffal, Md, Nieto, Ja, Núñez, Mj, Oribe, M, Pedrajas, Jm, Pérez Jiménez, L, Rabuñal, R, Riera Mestre, A, Rodríguez, Ma, Roldán, V, Román, P, Rosa, V, Rubio, S, Ruiz Gamietea, A, Ruíz Giménez, N, Sahuquillo, Jc, Samperiz, A, Sánchez Muñoz Torrero JF, Solanich, X, Soler, S, Soto, Mj, Tiberio, G, Todolí, Ja, Tolosa, C, Trujillo, J, Uresandi, F, Valdés, V, Valle, R, Vela, J, Vidal, G, Villalta, J, Gadelha, T, Boccalon, H, Farge Bancel, D, Mahe, I, Rivron Guillot, K, Brenner, B, Barillari, A, Barillari, G, Ciammaichella, M, Di Micco, P, Dalla Valle, F, Duce, R, Maida, R, Pasca, S, Piovella, C, Poggio, R, Prandoni, Paolo, Quintavalla, R, Schenone, A, Tiraferri, E, Visonà, A, Bosevski, M
Rok vydání: 2011
Zdroj: Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis, Vol. 9, No 2 (2011) pp. 407-10
ISSN: 1538-7836
Databáze: OpenAIRE