Sarcophaga adolescens Rondani 1861

Autor: Sforzi, Alessandra, Sommaggio, Daniele
Rok vydání: 2021
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5117184
Popis: Sarcophaga adolescens Rondani, 1861 ORIGINAL DESCRIPTION: 1861g: 382 (key), 388 (description). TYPE LOCALITY: “ In Apennino parmensi [Parmese Apennines (Italy)]”. TYPE MATERIAL: 1 ♂, lectotype (MZUF: Box 19): Sarcophaga Mgn / adolescens Rnd. / 1026 bis / S. rostrata Pandellé, Böttcher / lectotype ♂, Sarcophaga adolescens Rnd., T. Pape det., 1986 / Pierretia socrus (Rnd.), T. Pape det., 1986. PARALECTOTYPES EXAMINED: 1 ♂ (MZUF: Box 19): Sarcophaga Mgn / adolescens Rnd. / 1026 bis / S. spinosa ♂ Villen., n. type, det. Böttcher, spec. rarissima [very rare species] / paralectotype; 1 ♂ (moldy, right mid-leg glued to the numbered cardboard stage below specimen) (MZUF: Box 19): Sarcophaga Mgn / adolescens Rnd. / 1026 bis / S. fertoni ♂ Villen., n. type, det. Böttcher / paralectotype. CURRENT STATUS: doubtful species of Sarcophaginae (Verves 1986: 192); junior synonym of Sarcophaga (Myorhina) socrus Rondani, 1860 (Pape 1988: 5, 1996: 365). REMARKS: Rondani (1861g: 388) described Sarcophaga adolescens from just the male sex, without specifying the exact number of specimens, but giving a single measurement of length, despite there being three specimens in the type series found in this study. Pape (1988: 5) designated a lectotype (♂) and paralectotypes (2 ♂♂) and stated: “ Böttcher (1913: 186) listed three additional specimens (2 ♂, 1 ♀) under the name adolescens, which he identified as Sarcophaga fertoni Villeneuve, 1911, Sarcophaga spinosa Villeneuve, 1911 and Blaesoxipha ungulata (Pandellé, 1896), the latter erroneously listed as a male on p. 186, correctly sexed as a female on p. 187. As Rondani’s original description of Sarcophaga adolescens included males only, I prefer to consider the female of B. ungulata a later addition, and only the two males have been labeled by me as paralectotype ”.
Published as part of Sforzi, Alessandra & Sommaggio, Daniele, 2021, Catalog of the Diptera types described by Camillo Rondani, pp. 1-438 in Zootaxa 4989 (1) on page 197, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4989.1.1,
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