Weight status, body composition, and diet quality of Spanish schoolchildren according to their level of adherence to the 24-hour movement guidelines

Autor: Esther Cuadrado Soto, Rosa M. Ortega, José Miguel Perea Sánchez, Liliana G. González Rodríguez, África Peral Suárez, Beatriz Navia Lombán
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Nutrición Hospitalaria.
ISSN: 1699-5198
DOI: 10.20960/nh.03127
Popis: espanolIntroduccion: la actividad fisica moderada o vigorosa, la limitacion de los comportamientos sedentarios y el descanso adecuado son factores del estilo de vida que ayudan a prevenir el sobrepeso y la obesidad. Sin embargo, existen pocos trabajos que relacionen el conjunto de estos factores con la situacion ponderal, la composicion corporal y la calidad de la dieta en escolares. Objetivo: conocer las diferencias en cuanto a situacion antropometrica y calidad de la dieta de un grupo de escolares espanoles en funcion del nivel de adherencia a las guias de movimiento de 24 horas. Metodos: se han estudiado 367 escolares de 7-11 anos de edad. Se recogieron datos antropometricos, dieteticos y de comportamientos de movimiento. Posteriormente se dividieron en tres grupos sobre la base de su adherencia a las guias: baja adherencia (BA), adherencia media (AM) y alta adherencia (AA). Resultados: solo un 15 % de los escolares cumplia con las guias. El porcentaje de sobrepeso era mayor en el grupo BA que en el AM y el AA. El grupo BA tambien presentaba una menor ingesta de fibra; una menor contribucion a las recomendaciones de vitaminas B6, B12 y C, selenio y magnesio; y una mayor ingesta de acidos grasos saturados. Los escolares que incumplian la recomendacion referente al tiempo de pantalla tenian mayor riesgo de desarrollar sobrepeso u obesidad (OR = 1,92 (1,10-3,36); p = 0,022). Conclusion: los escolares que se adhieren a 2 o mas recomendaciones de las guias de movimiento presentan menos sobrepeso y una mejor calidad nutricional de la dieta. El incumplimiento de la recomendacion de tiempo de pantalla supone un mayor riesgo de sobrepeso u obesidad. EnglishIntroduction: moderate to vigorous physical activity, limiting sedentary behaviors, and getting adequate rest are lifestyle factors that help prevent over-weight and obesity. However, there are few studies that relate all of these factors to weight status, body composition, and diet quality in school children.Objective: to assess the differences in anthropometric status and diet quality in a group of Spanish schoolchildren, according to their level of adherence to the 24-hour movement guidelines.Methods: a total of 367 schoolchildren aged 7-11 years were studied. Anthropometric, dietary, and movement patterns were collected. Sub-sequently, they were divided into three groups based on their adherence to the extant guidelines: low adherence (BA), medium adherence (AM) and high adherence (AA).Results: only 15 % of the schoolchildren met the guidelines. The percentage of overweight was higher in the BA group than in the AM and AA groups. The BA group also had a lower fibre intake; a lower contribution to the recommendations for vitamins B6, B12 and C, selenium and magnesium; and a higher intake of saturated fatty acids. The schoolchildren who did not meet screen time recommendations had a higher odds ratio for overweight/obesity (OR = 1.92 (1.10-3.36); p = 0.022).Conclusion: schoolchildren who adhere to 2 or more movement guideline recommendations had less overweight and a diet of better nutritional quality. Non-compliance with the screen time recommendation leads to a higher risk of overweight or obesity.
Databáze: OpenAIRE