Spontaneous magnetization and magnetic susceptibility of a ferroelectric/ferromagnetic/ferroelastic single domain crystal of nickel bromine boracite Ni3B7O13Br

Autor: Jean Muller, Hans Schmid, Gilles Triscone, Shao Yu Mao
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 1999
Zdroj: Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Vol. 195, No 1 (1999) pp. 65-75
ISSN: 0304-8853
Popis: Using a SQUID magnetometer, the magnetic field-induced magnetization has been measured on a ferroelastically `poled’ orthorhombic ferroelectric/ferroelastic single domain of Ni3B7O13Br. Measurements were performed along the three principal orthorhombic crystallographic axis directions at 0.5, 1.0, 3.0, and 5.0 kOe in the range 4–40 K, and at 10 kOe in the range 4–300 K. The corresponding magnetic susceptibilities have been derived. The sequence of magnetic phases at low temperature, their magnetic point groups and transition temperatures Tc1=30 K and Tc2=21 K have been confirmed: mm21′⇐Tc1⇒m′m2′⇐Tc2⇒1. In the weakly ferromagnetic/ferroelectric/ferroelastic orthorhombic phase with Shubnikov–Heesch point group m′m2′ in the range 21 K M s lies along the orthorhombic b0-axis, with a value of M s =0.71 emu/g at 25 K. In the triclinic phase with point group 1, below Tc2=21 K, M s assumes a temperature-dependent crystallographic general direction lying nearly in the pseudo-orthorhombic (0 0 1)0-plane, for example at 5 K with a value of M s =(2.7 a 0 +1.76 b 0 +0.34 c 0 ) emu/g.
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