Successful removal of a 16 mm long pulp stone using ultrasonic tips from maxillary left first molar and its endodontic management

Autor: Hemalatha Hiremath, Pallav Mahesh Patni, Pradeep Jain, Neeta Jain
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: Journal of Conservative Dentistry : JCD
ISSN: 0974-5203
Popis: To present a case report describing successful removal of a 16 mm long pulp stone in a single mass from a maxillary left first molar and its endodontic management. In the presented case, the conventional approach of dissecting the pulp stone was not considered, as radiographically the calcification was extending up to the apex of the palatal root canal and the separation of the coronal and radicular pulp stone would have risked the obliteration of its orifice. A new set of ultrasonic endodontic tips were used for the removal of significantly large pulp stone in single mass.
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