Coenosia orbimacula Xue and Zhu, sp. nov

Autor: Xue, Wan-Qi, Zhu, Yu
Rok vydání: 2006
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6257020
Popis: Coenosia orbimacula Xue and Zhu, sp. nov. (Figs 5���8) Description Male. Body length 4.7 mm. Head: Eye bare, lower posterior margin not concave; frons about one��fourth of head width; frontal vitta with gray pruinosity, about three times as wide as fronto��orbital plate; 1 pair of orbital setae, 2 pairs of frontal setae, and a pair of fine and short setae between them; ocellar seta well��developed, subequal in length to orbital seta, inner vertical seta strong and long, about 1.5 times as long as orbital seta; fronto��orbital plate, parafacial and gena all with grayish white pruinose, parafacial extremely narrow, about one��fourth width of antenna; pedicel yellow on apical part, remaining part mostly dark brown, flagellomere 1 about twice as long as broad, acuteangled and round at apex, falling short of epistomal margin by one��third of its length, arista short plumose, the plumosity longer than its basal diameter and about as long as onefourth of the width of antenna; a short hair above vibrissa, genal groove more or less reddish brown, genal height about equal to width of antenna and eighth of eye height, dorsal part of occiput with hairs, both genal hairs and postgenal hairs entirely black; proboscis thick and large, mostly yellowish brown, with 3 pairs of teeth (two of them strong); prementum about 3.5 times as long as broad, palpus yellow in basal three��fourths, remaining part brown, palpus subequal in length to haustellum. Thorax. Ground colour black with grayish pruinosity; scutum with four black longitudinal vittae, the middle brown vitta reaching scutoscutellar suture, discontinuous brown vittae along the row of dc, 2 rows of prst acr, only 1 pair of post acr weakly developed in front of scutellum, dc 1 + 3, two setulae in front of prst dc, ial 0+ 2; notopleuron, anepimeron, meron and katepimeron all bare, 2 proepisternal setae, 2 proepimeral setae, 3 katepisternal setae which form a triangle, lower one nearer to anterior one and with 4���5 fine hairs between them; both anterior and posterior spiracles brown. Wing. Hyaline, veins brown; basicosta yellow, costal spine absent; costa reaching tip of M, R 4 + 5 and M nearly parallel; calypters yellowish, upper one about three times as long as lower one; the former subequal in length to its fringes; halter yellowish. Legs. Fore coxa brown, mid and hind coxae and all trochanters, femora yellow, distal one��fourth of femora with a dark brown annular spot, more distinct on mid and hind legs than on fore leg, fore tibia yellow, gradually becoming brown towards apex, mid and hind femora mostly yellowish brown, hind tibia brown on distal half; fore tarsus brown, mid tarsus dark brown, hind tarsus blackish brown; lower posterior part of fore and mid coxae, and lower anterior part with dense long fringes; fore tibia with a subapical p which is strong and long; mid femur with only a submedian av strong and long, row of a (about four to five), two apical pd, pv row complete and developed; mid tibia with 1 median ad and 1 pd, the latter much longer; hind femur with complete rows of av and pv, long fringes on base of ventral surface, hind tibia with 1 submedian av, 1 median ad and 1 pd; tarsi shorter than tibiae, pulvilli moderately large. Abdomen. Dark brown (posterior part fuscous to blackish brown), with weakly gray pruinosity, without spots and vittae, posterior marginal setae of each tergite small, discal seta and lateral seta strong and long; sternite 1 with small hairs, lateral lobe of sternite 5 narrow and long; cerci and surstylus slender, yellow; apex of cerci with small hooks in profile. Female. Unknown. Type material Holotype, male, P.R. CHINA: Mt. Zhougong, Sichuan Province, 10.xi. 1985 (Yan Feng) (IESNU). Paratypes, P.R. CHINA: 1 male, locality and collector as for holotype, 17.xi. 1985; 1 male, Mt. E���mei, Jiulaodong, 1800���1900 m, Sichuan Province, 8.v. 1957 (Keren Huang); 1 male, same locality and collector as former, 28.vii. 1957; 1 male, Mt. E���mei, Xixiangchi, Sichuan Province, 17.viii. 1957 (Keren Huang); 3 males, Mt. E���mei, Qingyinge, 800���1000 m, Sichuan Province, 8.ix. 1957 (Keren Huang); 4 males, same locality as former, 17.iv. 1957 (Zongyuan Wang); 1 male, Mt. E���mei, Jiulaodong, 1800���1900 m, Sichuan Province, 23.viii. 1957 (Zongyuan Wang); 2 males, same locality as former, 21.viii. 1957 (Fuxing Zhu); 1 male, Chudian, Sichuan Province, 1957 (Fuxing Zhu); 1 male, Mt. E���mei, Xixiangchi, Sichuan Province, 21.viii. 1957 (Keren Huang). All paratypes are deposited in IESNU. Remarks This new species resembles Coenosia fengi Yang and Zhao (2002), but can be distinguished from it by flagellomere 1 falling short of epistomal margin by one��third of its length; basal three��fourths of palpus yellow, remaining part brown; basicosta yellow; femora mostly yellow, only distal one��fourth with a dark brown annular spot; hind tibia with 1 submedian av; abdominal tergites without spots or vittae; sternite 1 with fine hairs. Etymology This specific name is from the Latin words orbis, ring, and macula, spot, referring to the distal one��fourth of the femora with a dark brown annular spot.
Published as part of Xue, Wan-Qi & Zhu, Yu, 2006, Three new species of Coenosia Meigen (Diptera: Muscidae) from P. R. China, with a key to the Chinese species of the genus, pp. 1-16 in Zootaxa 1326 on pages 10-12, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.174102
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