Investigations of presence of antibodies against bovine herpesvirus-1 in blood serum of calves prior to colostrum diet

Autor: Sava Lazić, Dragan Rogan, Tamaš Petrović, Dejan Bugarski, Diana Lupulović, Miodrag Lazarević
Rok vydání: 2010
Zdroj: Veterinarski Glasnik
Veterinarski Glasnik, Vol 64, Iss 1-2, Pp 33-41 (2010)
ISSN: 2406-0771
Popis: The paper presents the results of investigations of the presence of the bovine herpesvirus-1 (BHV-1) in samples of blood serum from 106 cows and 107 of their calves (one cow had twins). Blood was sampled from the cows immediately after parturition, and from the calves before feeding on colostrum. The examined cows and their calves originated from 5 herds in which previous investigations had shown infection with the bovine herpesvirus-1. The determination of antibodies against BHV-1 was performed using the method of virus neutralization in culture of MDBK cells with 100 TCID/50 viruses (BHV-1, TN-41 Am. Bio Research, USA). Antibodies against BHV-1 were determined in all blood serum samples of cows and in 16 samples of precolostral blood serums of calves. The antibody titer values in cows ranged from 1:4 to 1:512, and in calves the determined values were from 1:2 to 1:16. The results indicate that cows that are seropositive to BHV-1 can deliver calves seropositive to BHV-1 in about 15% cases. This must be kept in mind in selecting cows for the production of breeding material, in particular bulls for reproduction centers, as well as in making a programme for the immunoprophylaxis of calves against BHV-1. . U radu su prikazani rezultati ispitivanja prisustva antitela protiv goveđeg herpesvirusa-1 (BHV-1) u uzorcima krvnih seruma 106 krava i 107 njihove teladi (jedna krava je otelila blizance). Uzorkovanje krvi od krava je vršeno odmah nakon partusa, a od teladi pre ishrane kolostrumom. Ispitivane krave i njihova telad poticali su iz 5 zapata u kojima je ranijim ispitivanjima utvrđena infekcija goveđim herpesvirusom-1. Utvrđivanje antitela protiv BHV-1 vršeno je metodom virus neutralizacije na kulturi MDBK ćelija sa 100 TCID/50 virusa (BHV-1, TN-41 Am. Bio Research, USA). Antitela protiv BHV-1 utvrđena su u svim uzorcima krvnih seruma krava i u 16 uzoraka prekolostralnih krvnih seruma teladi. Vrednosti titra antitela iznosile su kod krava od 1:4 do 1:512, a kod teladi od 1:2 do 1:16. Rezultati ukazuju na to da krave koje su seropozitivne na BHV-1 mogu da otele telad seropozitivnu na BHV-1 u oko 15% slučajeva. Ovo se mora imati u vidu kada se vrši izbor krava za proizvodnju priplodnog materijala, a posebno bikova za reprocentre, kao i kada se pravi program imunoprofilakse teladi protiv BHV-1. .
Databáze: OpenAIRE