Bent Subcutaneous Peritoneal Catheter Shape for Regular Dialysis Treatment in Children

Autor: K. E. Bonzel, Jochen Erhard, Ludwig Kleine, Martin Bald, Bernhard Lettgen
Rok vydání: 1993
Zdroj: Peritoneal Dialysis International: Journal of the International Society for Peritoneal Dialysis. 13:263-267
ISSN: 1718-4304
DOI: 10.1177/089686089301302s66
Popis: A permanent bowing of the subcutaneous part of the Tenckhoff-type catheter (bent neck -Qulnton, and swan neck -Accurate Surgical Instruments) enables the catheter to turn from an upward direction of the subcutaneous tunnel to a downward direction by a smooth 160°-180° bend creating a downward skin exit° We have used this catheter shape In combination whh a colled Intra-abdominal edge. Two sizes are available for children° We use 2 cuffs and glue them ourselves according to the body size. In this study we compare the durability of the traditional subcutaneously straight catheter In 8 children aged 0.1-12.6 years (Group A) whh the bent shaped catheter In 8 children aged 3°7–15°8 years (Group B)° Median duration of function was 10°5 (2–34) and 8 (3–36) months, respectively; Frequency of complications was equal In both groups: peritonitis episodes 0°69/year in Group A and 0°53/year in Group B; tunnel Infection 0.16 vs 0°11/year; skin exit infection 0°54 vs 0.53/year; noninfectious complications 0°16 vs 0°32/year; mean number of catheters used was 1°0 vs 1°1/treatment years treatment had to be terminated in some patients: kidney transplantation 5, kidney recovery 1, severe peritonitis 1. The bent subcutaneous catheter shape did not show any medical or technical disadvantage compared with the straight type, but the downward directed catheter skin exit can be covered Invisibly under bikini or bermuda shorts which means aesthetic and social advantage. Whether the downward drainage of secretes and cell detritus Influences the rate of tunnel Infection positively cannot be answered to date.
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