Autor: S. G. Buriakovskyi, M. I. Baranov, V. V. Kniaziev, S. S. Rudenko
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2020
high-voltage generators of voltage and current pulses
objects of industrial energy
aviation and space-rocket technique
standards of tests
results of tests of technical objects on electric safety
electromagnetic compatibility
Electromagnetic compatibility
electromagnetic compatibility and resistibility to lightning
621.3.022: 621.319.53: 621.373: 629.7
Reliability (semiconductor)
высоковольтные генераторы импульсов напряжения и тока
объекты промышленной энергетики
авиационной и ракетно-космической техники
стандарты испытаний
результаты испытаний технических объектов на электробезопасность
Electrical equipment
Systems engineering
Electrical engineering. Electronics. Nuclear engineering
Zdroj: Electrical engineering & Electromechanics, Iss 4, Pp 37-53 (2020)
Електротехніка і Електромеханіка; № 4 (2020): Електротехніка і Електромеханіка №4 2020; 37-53
Электротехника и Электромеханика; № 4 (2020); 37-53
Electrical Engineering & Electromechanics; № 4 (2020): Electrical Engineering & Electromechanics №4 2020; 37-53
ISSN: 2309-3404
Popis: Purpose. Implementation of analysis of basic technical descriptions and new possibilities of separate electric options of unique high-voltage electrical engineering complex Scientific-&-Research Planning-&-Design Institute «Molniya» of NTU «KhPI», intended for testing objects of industrial energy (IE) on electric safety, action on them of standard storm and interconnect pulses of voltage (current), and also objects of armament and military technique (OAMT), aviation (AT) and space-rocket (SRT) technique on electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) and resistibility at direct action on them of the rationed pulses of current of artificial lightning and row of no-spread temporal functions of pulses of current (high-voltage). Methodology. Basis of the applied electrical engineering, electroenergy and electromechanics, electrophysics bases of technique of high-voltage and large pulse currents, bases of the applied instrument-making, high-voltage measuring technique and standardization. Results. Description of basic technical descriptions and new possibilities of component parts of unique high-voltage electrical engineering complex Scientific-&-Research Planning-&-Design Institute «Molniya» of NTU «KhPI», intended for testing different objects of IE on electric safety, their resistibility to direct (indirect) action of standard aperiodic storm and interconnect pulses of voltage (current), and also OAMT, AT and SRT on EMC and resistibility to lightning at a direct action on them of the rationed pulses of current of artificial lightning. It is shown that these tests can be conducted in accordance with the requirements of normative documents of the USA of SAE ARP| 5412: 2013, SAE ARP 5414: 2013, SAE ARP 5416: 2013, RTCA DO-160G: 2011, military Standards of the USA of MIL-STD-464C: 2010, MIL-STD-461G: 2015, Standards of NATO AECTP-500: 2016, AECTP-250: 2014, International Standards of IEC 62305-1: 2010, IEC 61024-1: 1990 and intergovernmental Standard GOST 1516.2-97 on the domestic high-voltage options of type of UITOM-1, GTM-10/350, GKIN-2, TI-CS115 (NCS08), TI-CS116 (NCS09), G-NCS10, MV 1000 and IK-1U with the rationed descriptions. Examples and results of tests of row of technical objects are resulted on indicated high-voltage little- and heavy-current electric options. Originality. First in a complex kind basic technical descriptions and proof-of-concept possibilities of unique high-voltage electrical equipment of Scientific-&-Research Planning-&-Design Institute «Molniya» of NTU «KhPI» are presented, being in Ukraine head organization in area of development, creation and practical application of the indicated high-voltage technique in behalf of domestic industries of IE, airplane and rocket production, and also defense industries of industry. Practical value. Application of the described domestic high-voltage proof-of-concept electrical equipment at tests on electric safety, EMC and resistibility to lightning of different objects of IE, OAMT, AT and SRT will be instrumental in the increase of reliability of their functioning in the conditions of striking (destabilizing) action on them of powerful electromagnetic hindrances of natural and artificial origin.
Выполнен анализ основных технических характеристик и новых возможностей составных частей уникального высоковольтного электротехнического комплекса НИПКИ «Молния» НТУ «ХПИ», предназначенного для проведения испытаний объектов промышленной энергетики на электробезопасность, их стойкость к воздействию стандартных апериодических грозовых и коммутационных импульсов напряжения (тока), а также объектов вооружения и военной техники, авиационной и ракетно-космической техники на электромагнитную совместимость и молниестойкость при прямом действии на них нормированных импульсов тока искусственной молнии. Показано, что данные испытания могут проводиться в соответствии с требованиями нормативных документов США SAE ARP 5412: 2013, SAE ARP 5414: 2013, SAE ARP 5416: 2013, RTCA DO-160G: 2011, военных стандартов США MIL-STD-464C: 2010, MIL-STD-461G: 2015, стандартов НАТО AECTP-500: 2016, AECTP-250: 2014, международных стандартов IEC 62305-1: 2010, IEC 61024-1: 1990 и межгосударственного стандарта ГОСТ 1516.2-97 на оригинальных отечественных высоковольтных установках УИТОМ-1, ГТМ-10/350, ГКИН-2, TI-CS115 (NCS08), TI-CS116 (NCS09), G-NCS10, МВ 1000 и ИК-1У с нормированными характеристиками. Приведены примеры и результаты испытаний ряда технических объектов на указанных высоковольтных слабо- и сильноточных электроустановках.
Databáze: OpenAIRE