Development and psychometric testing of the Gerontological Nursing Competence (GeroNursingCom) instrument

Autor: Reetta Saarnio, Satu Elo, Kristina Mikkonen, Helvi Kyngäs, Anniina Tohmola
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Journal of Advanced Nursing. 77:1070-1084
ISSN: 1365-2648
Popis: To develop and psychometrically test an instrument - GeroNursingCom - that measures gerontological nursing competence of nursing students.An instrument development guided by COSMIN guidelines.The development and testing of the GeroNursingCom instrument proceeded according to four distinct phases: (a) establishing a theoretical background; (b) testing face and content validity; (c) examining structural validity; and (d) testing internal consistency. The items of instrument were based on a theoretical framework developed from a comprehensive literature review and focus group interviews with experts (N = 27) in spring 2018. Content validity was assessed by nine experts in gerontological nursing, while face validity was tested in a pilot study including 36 nursing students. Structural validity was examined with exploratory factor analysis with 267 nursing students from nine universities of applied sciences. The internal consistency was established with Cronbach's alpha. The data were collected in spring and autumn 2019. The data analysis was conducted with multivariate statistical methods.The GeroNursingCom development and testing process yielded an instrument that includes 53 items across 11 factors: (a) appreciative encounters and interactions with older people; (b) medication for older people; (c) nutrition for older people; (d) safe living environment for older people; (e) supporting the functioning of older people; (f) end-of-life care; (g) developing one's competencies; (h) supporting an older person's mental well-being; (i) supporting an older person's sexuality; (j) guiding self-care among older people; and (k) responding to challenging situations. The instrument was able to explain 66.15% of the total observed variance, while Cronbach's alpha values for individual items varied from 0.75-0.89.TheGeroNursingCom instrument can be used to measure gerontological nursing competence among nursing students to improve gerontological nursing education and/or geriatric care.Graduating nursing students must develop versatile competencies to face the multiple needs of older patients and curriculums need to be further developed to ensure students are prepared for gerontological nursing.目的: 为对工具GeroNursingCom进行开发和心理计量试验--衡量护士生的老年护理能力。 设计: 根据基于共识的健康测量工具选择标准(COSMIN)进行工具开发 方法: GeroNursingCom工具的开发和测试过程将分为以下四个不同的阶段:(a)建立理论背景;(b)测试表面与内容效度;(c)检验结构效度;以及(d)测试内部一致性。工具项目的理论框架源于综合文献综述以及2018年春季专家(27位)进行的焦点小组访谈。内容效度由九位老年护理专家进行评估,同时以36名护士生为研究对象,对表面效度进行初步研究。通过采用探索性因素分析方法,以9所应用科技大学的267名护士生为研究对象,进行结构效度试验。采用克隆巴赫系数测试了内部一致性。数据收集于2019年春季和秋季,并采用多元分析方法进行数据分析。 结果: 在GeroNursingCom的开发和测试过程中,对其包含的11个因素进行了53个项目的测试:(a)与老人见面和互动;(b)老年人用药;(c)老年人所需营养;(d)老年人的安全生活环境;(e)对老年人机能的支持;(f)临终关怀;(g)能力发展;(h)支持老年人的心理健康;(i)支持老年人的性欲;(j)指导老年人自我照顾;以及(k)对具有挑战性的情况做出回应。该工具可说明61.5%的总观测方差,且单个项目的克隆巴赫系数值在0.75至0.89之间。 结论: GeroNursingCom工具可用于衡量护士生的老年护理能力,以改善老年护理教育和/或老年护理。 影响: 护士生在毕业前须多方面地发展自身能力,以面对老年患者的多样需求。应进一步完善课程,以确保学生能够应对老年护理。.
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