Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli: a versatile diarrheagenic category

Autor: Caroline do Socorro Barros Melo, Êmily Moreira Menezes, Thainara Roberta Barros Melo, Cintya de Oliveira Souza, Leni Célia Reis Monteiro, Aline Correa de Carvalho
Jazyk: portugalština
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Repositório Digital do Instituto Evandro Chagas (Patuá)
Instituto Evandro Chagas (IEC)
Popis: Minist?rio da Sa?de. Secretaria de Vigil?ncia em Sa?de. Instituto Evandro Chagas. Bel?m, PA, Brasil. Laborat?rio de Patologia Cl?nica Dr. Paulo C. de Azevedo. Bel?m, PA, Brasil. Universidade Federal do Par?. Instituto de Ci?ncias Biol?gicas. Bel?m, PA, Brasil. Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein. S?o Paulo, SP, Brasil. Faculdade Caraj?s. Marab?, PA, Brasil. Minist?rio da Sa?de. Secretaria de Vigil?ncia em Sa?de. Instituto Evandro Chagas. Bel?m, PA, Brasil. A Escherichia coli enteropatog?nica (EPEC) foi a primeira categoria de E. coli reconhecida como diarreiog?nica e ainda hoje est? associada a casos espor?dicos e surtos de diarreia infantil. Em 1995, a EPEC foi classificada em t?pica e at?pica e, at? o momento, muito se tem pesquisado sobre as diferen?as patog?nicas e epidemiol?gicas destas duas subcategorias e sua similaridade com outras categorias. Para consolidar estas informa??es, a presente pesquisa avaliou 98 fontes bibliogr?ficas, sendo 81 artigos, oito teses, quatro disserta??es e cinco livros. Essa pesquisa destacou os seguintes resultados e conclus?es: as EPEC t?picas (EPEC-t) t?m como principal reservat?rio os seres humanos, no entanto j? foram registradas raras ocorr?ncias em alguns animais silvestres; as EPEC at?picas (EPEC-a) s?o encontradas entre humanos e uma variedade de outros hospedeiros animais que podem servir de reservat?rio e de fonte de contamina??o para o homem e o ambiente, al?m disso, as EPEC-a apresentam in?meros fatores de virul?ncia comuns e espec?ficos de outras categorias patog?nicas, sugerindo que o aumento de sua preval?ncia esteja relacionado ao fen?meno de interconvers?o; a presen?a da regi?o LEE (locus of enterocyte effacement) completa (LEEA-D) e da ilha de patogenicidade OI-122 (efa1/lifA, nleB, nleE, set/ent), juntamente com os genes da hemolisina (ehxA) e da adesina (paa) podem auxiliar na identifica??o de potenciais estirpes patog?nicas de EPEC-a; a identifica??o conclusiva de EPEC ? realizada pelo diagn?stico molecular, onde se pesquisam os genes eae, EAF e stx, sendo o perfil eae+EAF+stx? de EPEC-t e o eae+EAF?stx? de EPEC-a (AU) Escherichia coli (EPEC) was the first category of E. coli to be discovered and continues to be associated with sporadic cases and outbreaks of diarrhea in children. In 1995 it was classified as typical and atypical EPEC and, until the current moment, much has been studied about the differences of these two pathogenic and epidemiological subcategories and their similarity to other pathotypes. To better know these studies and consolidate this information, this literature evaluated 98 bibliographic sources, with 81 articles, eight theses, four dissertations and five books. This research highlighted the following findings and conclusions: the atypical EPEC (a-EPEC) are present in humans and a variety of animal hosts, suggesting that they may serve as a reservoir and source of infection for humans and the environment; typical EPEC (t-EPEC) has humans as the main reservoir, however, they have been recorded in some rare occurrences wildlife; a-EPEC have several common virulence factors and specific categories of other pathogens, suggesting that increased prevalence of EPEC is related to interconversion, the presence of the LEE (locus of enteracyte effacement) complete region (LEEA-D) and pathogenicity island HI-122 (efa1/lifA, nleB, nleE, set/ent) with the hemolysin gene (ehxA) and the toxin (paa) can help in identification of potentially pathogenic a-EPEC, but the conclusive identification of EPEC is performed by molecular diagnosis, which identifies genes eae, EAF and stx, and the profile eae+EAF+stx? of t-EPEC and eae+EAF?stx? in a-EPEC (AU)
Databáze: OpenAIRE