Public-Private Partnerships for Energy Infrastructure: A Focus on the MENA Region

Autor: Carlo Carraro, Isabella Alloisio
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: Public Private Partnerships for Infrastructure and Business Development ISBN: 9781349570140
DOI: 10.1057/9781137541482_9
Popis: Public-Private Partnership (PPP) has become the most valuable instrument for green energy projects financing. It overcomes the shrinkage of available public financial resources and makes it possible for the development of energy infrastructures. Cooperation between private and public actors is often pivotal in green energy investment decisions, since through cooperation parties compensate each other to their mutual advantage by sharing risk: the private sector needs guarantees to face the policy and the financing risks entailed by the time gap between a project’s planning phase and its actual implementation, whereas the public sector needs capital investment and management expertise.
Databáze: OpenAIRE