Kramers-Kronig relation between nonlinear absorption and refraction of C(60) and C(70)

Autor: Che-Kai Chang, Tai-Min Liu, Sidney S. Yang, Li Xin, Chen-Cheng Wu, Jaw-Luen Tang, Tai-Huei Wei, Tai-Ying Wei, Li-Shu Lee, Yi-Ci Li
Rok vydání: 2010
Zdroj: Optics express. 18(22)
ISSN: 1094-4087
Popis: Using the Z-scan technique with 532 nm 16 picosecond laser pulses, we observe reverse saturable absorption and positive nonlinear refraction of toluene solutions of both C(60) and C(70). By deducting the positive Kerr nonlinear refraction of the solvent, we notice that the solute molecules contribute to nonlinear refraction of opposite signs: positive for C(60) and negative for C(70). Attributing nonlinear absorption and refraction of both solutes to cascading one-photon excitations, we illustrate that they satisfy the Kramers-Kronig relation. Accordingly, we attest the signs and magnitudes of nonlinear refraction for both solutes at 532 nm by Kramers-Kronig transform of the corresponding nonlinear absorption spectra.
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