Declinazioni e interpretazioni della vicarianza. L'ex-aptation alla luce della didattica semplessa

Autor: Nadia Carlomagno, Cristian Fuschetto, Maurizio Sibilio
Jazyk: italština
Rok vydání: 2015
Popis: Complex systems can be studied either "here and now" or in their evolution in a specific period. On this basis, this paper intends to decline on a diachronic way, in a teaching context, the concept of vicariance used by Berthoz about living organism in a synchronic way . (Bertohz, 2011). "Simplexities" principles and properties can be analyzed on the basis of a analogical intensive methodology, as regulative instruments of education systems (Sibilio, 2013). This hypothesis, in integrating the so-called principle of ex-aptation (Gould and Verba, 1982), aims at enriching useful tools able to face the complexity.
Databáze: OpenAIRE