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The three use cases (UCs) from the respective project communities pose the basis for further analysis of the overall project requirements. The identified functional requirements include visualization types like geospatial maps, charts, network charts and tables, and interactions that may emerge among several of the aforementioned types. On the other hand, the identified non-functional requirements include a number of generic suggestive requirements which may improve the quality of the offered system, such as cross browser support, performance, responsiveness and data security and correctness. Another identified type of requirement relates to interoperability of processes and standards. Indicatively, OGC WMS provides a simple HTTP interface for requesting geo-registered map images from geospatial databases, REST API calls are expected to be used for the communication of different sub-systems and support of a number of file formats may be provided to the user (NetCDF, GeoTIFF, etc). Based on those and other identified requirements, a follow-up analysis summarizes the expected specifications to be used for the proposed system in a tabular format for efficient handling and future reference. Consequently, a high-level system architecture is described with what is acknowledged until this point in the project's lifetime. In brief, the proposed architecture is modular and consists of three distinct areas: the enabling services, which may include external services like authorization ones, the backend presentation services, which are responsible for the business logic AGINFRA+ is planned to provide, and finally the frontend presentation services, which in fact provide the user with visualization components through web technologies and widgets. This is the second release which follows the evolvement of the internal project interrelations, concretely accompanying the requirements of the three identified AGINFRA+ communities. The current main envisioned technologies being used, are based on open standards (HTML5, JavaScript visualization libraries, Geoserver OGC standards), Apache Spark for cluster computing techniques to support demanding distributed visualization services and storage (SQL/NoSQL/Object) alternatives. The current specification report, being consistent with the agile methodology, is a dynamic document which provides an updated view of presentation technologies at the half of the project and forms the main reference for any architectural system design pattern to be applied on the implementation of project’s related technology. |