Supplemental Material - A single, oral dose of the TLR7 agonist JNJ-64794964 induces transcriptomic and phenotypic changes in peripheral immune cells in healthy adults

Autor: Pierson, Wim, Tuefferd, Marianne, Herschke, Florence, Slaets, Leen, Crabbe, Marjolein, Verstappen, Dorien, De Pelsmaeker, Steffi, Strickland, Ian, Gane, Edward J, Schwabe, Christian, Zhang, Yingjie, Meerts, Peter, Vandenbossche, Joris, Van Remoortere, Pieter, Verbrugge, Inge, De Creus, An
Rok vydání: 2023
DOI: 10.25384/sage.22945749.v1
Popis: Supplemental Material for A single, oral dose of the TLR7 agonist JNJ-64794964 induces transcriptomic and phenotypic changes in peripheral immune cells in healthy adults by Wim Pierson, Marianne Tuefferd, Florence Herschke, Leen Slaets, Marjolein Crabbe, Dorien Verstappen, Steffi de Pelsmaeker, Ian Strickland, Edward J Gane, Christian Schwabe, Yingjie Zhang, Peter Meerts, Joris Vandenbossche, Pieter Van Remoortere, Inge Verbrugge and An de Creus in Antiviral Therapy
Databáze: OpenAIRE